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Everything posted by paulo

  1. No chair squeaks then ? I'm much the same re sound design. Usually I CBA to start from scratch when I have such a wide sonic palette to serve as my starting point, so I pick something approximate to what I have in mind and tweak as required. This is the where AAS synths are great because of having the compare button although TBH it usually just proves that I have made it sound worse....
  2. Happens everywhere in my experience........Been with your car insurance provider for 15 years and never made a claim? Here's your renewal quote......20% increase. Never insured through us before - here's 60% off. Irks me every year having to play that game. I binned my satellite tv package a few years ago after many years of subscription as I sat on the sofa opening my mail one day. The letter I was looking at was from them informing me of a 10% price increase. On the TV at literally the same time was their latest advert......Join today on a 12 month contract and you can have it for 60% of the regular price and well give you a 32 inch Samsung TV and a Samsung Galaxy tablet free. That did it for me. I cancelled the next day and within a few weeks I was getting letters offering 68% off of what I had been paying if I resubbed. Too late as far as I was concerned. It must make some kind of business sense or all these companies wouldn't do it, but it seems mad to me. I guess most people must just take it on the chin each time because inaction is easiest and this is what they depend on after they lure you in with the big offer.
  3. paulo

    El Clapo Bundle

    Holiday in Mexico?
  4. CCL demonstrating in one sentence why he would be a most unsuitable forum mod.
  5. Going by the images, the UI looks quite nice if I ignore the control bar being at the bottom, which just doesn't work for me although it is better than in S1. What I don't really see is anything that I can't already do. The nag screen is laughable.....we need money to make it free LOL.
  6. Heads up for anyone who might not be aware and tempted by this offer to upgrade to V2 versions of v1 things they already own. Ujam v2 installers overwrite your v1 so if you demo before buying you'll be locked out of your existing vst once the demo trial period expires if you decide not to go ahead and buy it. Unnecessary PITA designed purely to try and force purchases IMO.
  7. A consequence of it being free I think. New users have nothing invested in it, so if they haven't got it all figured out it in 5 minutes it's easy to just move on to the next free DAW rather than trying to learn how to work with this one. Long term users have it pretty much figured out at least in the sense of how they like use it so don't really need much help apart from when they encounter bugs or incompatibilities with 3rd party products. Also, I would guess that a large number of the newer users come via the bandlab app where they are used to just gluing loops together for instant results and then find themselves facing a very steep learning curve so either return to the easier option or move onto something more suited to loop orientated stuff. It's great that BL took over the software and are keeping it alive and moving it forward in some fashion but also surprising to me that this far in they haven't made more of it and worked on better integration with controllers like every other big boy DAW seems to have. I guess that's also a consequence of it being free - probably costs too much for a product with zero income. Early BL talk was that the synths, PC modules and such would be reworked/developed and reintroduced as paid add-ons to maybe generate an income stream once they had more users on board but none of that has materialised or is even talked about any more, so I guess that's not happening. Maybe they haven't got the amount of new users they'd hoped for and it isn't worth it?
  8. In CW if I use it and then maybe go to another plug in window or two and then try to go back to scaler the UI often comes up blank and the only way to get it to display properly again is to close the project and re-open it. Sometimes just switching between the various "pages" of the scaler UI will do the same thing. Total PITA.
  9. Uh oh, he said the G word.........
  10. Tell him to think on and just be grateful for all the things he already has. That when you were his age all you had to play with was a stick and and if you were really lucky you got an orange for xmas. That you were so poor that for your 13th birthday you only got a yo, because despite having three jobs your poor old pa couldn't afford a yo-yo. That is the cheapest option by far.
  11. On the plus side at least he's still in with a chance of becoming the best drummer in The Beatles.
  12. Famous for being written of course by the renowned Italian playwright Guglielmo Scuoterelancia.
  13. Why can't NI ever do an update that doesn't involve downloading the whole freaking thing all over again?
  14. Is it Plugin Boutique's Birthday? You kept that quiet.
  15. On the plus side he wasn't around long enough to get desperate and feel the need to release the kind of musical drivel his former cohort resorted to.
  16. Trust me when say that it counts for nothing.😉
  17. I thought you already wrote the definitive answer to that question years ago.😁
  18. She's probably tired of flowers and chocolates anyway, right?
  19. It doesn't even need another theme for me, just better contrast. Not really a lot of work considering many of their customers have made the same complaint.
  20. A lot of ST4 UI is more difficult to read than it should be due to the (lack of) contrast between the lettering and the background. Many have said this on IK forum and IK response is that it's not a IK problem and that users should adjust the contrast on their monitors to make it better - er, no IK I have functioning eyes and every other plug in I have is perfectly legible on my monitors on the default setting, so........
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