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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I would not want to be on the Beta team for this one 😆
  2. The one I love is that Windows is spying on me as the person that just said this to me is on his/her Smartphone with location services on. Hey it is okay for Google to take my information and everything about me but how dare MS! I tried Ubuntu several times on older PC and heck I could see using it. But for music production I just don't see the hassle. YMMV
  3. It plays like a dream, I mean a nightmare ðŸĪŠ
  4. InstrEd


    Yep, I just use Larry to Window Shop
  5. InstrEd


    I noticed no pictures of you picking up a guitar and jamming on the cruise ship. 😁
  6. I guess this one is major update still needs some time in the oven
  7. InstrEd


    Now that is "Love" with your cousin and you with giving her a break!
  8. InstrEd


    Looks like you had a nice time.
  9. InstrEd


    I think that is where Larry missed the boat. You can see it way off in the horizon ðŸĪĢ
  10. InstrEd


    Wonder how many pictures Lar took 😆
  11. Thanks but I not until September ðŸĪŠ
  12. Now don't drink too much Prune Juice today in celebration 😆
  13. Happy Birthday you Old-Fart Not all of get to be official O-F's Hope your wife takes you out for a nice evening.
  14. InstrEd


    Hey Larry just checking here as you said back. Hope your front arrived safely home too! ðŸĄ 😏
  15. That is wht the WHO has been in need from rich nations but I shall stop as no Pol on music forum. I slither away with John Williams music playing in the background
  16. @craigb I will agree with you that we all should consume less food. I haven't tried the Apple Cider Vinegar yet but I probably should.
  17. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😎
  18. Taking into account lifestyle I think the standard deviation is quite large ðŸĪ” 😅
  19. InstrEd


    Wow that is nuts! I remember my wife and I traveled 4 days after 911 and we should of drove instead of fly down to Florida from Chicago area. Left at 3am for the Airport and didn't get to Hotel until 9pm.
  20. The time this update is taking really has me wondering what the Bakers are adding to CbB. Anyway CbB does so much now I don't think I'll ever learn the program inside and out even after all these years. Thanks Cakewalk for giving me/us a great DAW
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