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Posts posted by Dazzla

  1. Hey Guys, I've spent the last few months learning and taking feedback from the awesome forum and am happy to present my second track to you all your review and comments. With this song, I was going for a more upbeat vibe and wanted to factor in a guitar riff. Its electronish. I'm looking for feedback on every aspect of the song i.e. production quality, genre, vibe, target audience, etc. I want to take my production to the next level and am on the lookout to start adding more gear to make my content more professional sounding. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this one.


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  2. I messed up by recording vocals with the gain on high for 1 section of a song. Not that part of clipping. The other sections of the vocals are alright. What can I do to control the clipping for that section. 

    Ive tried to utilise tdr nova EQ with the threshold function on because I thought it would help in compressing the frequencies causing clipping. But it seems that the offending frequencies are widespread over the high end. 

    I know the right way if to re record the track but that bit an option now. 

  3. Thanks everyone for your input.

    I've uploaded a new version where I've brought forward the vocals and snare drum in the mix and added izotope ozone for some space. I understand that the mix is muddled. I might have overdone it with acoustic guitar, synths, brass pad and more keys.

    @Bajan Blue what do you mean by over limited? While mastering, I did use a compressor on the output to get rid of the offending harmonics and then used a boost to bring the overall volume up.

  4. 🎵 Hey everyone! 

    I'm thrilled to share with you my very first production using Cakewalk DAW! I poured my heart and soul into this project, playing all the instruments and singing myself. Now, I'd love to hear what you think!

    Your feedback means the world to me, and I'm eager to improve and grow as a musician and producer. So, whether it's about the songwriting, the performance, the mix, or anything else you notice, please don't hold back! Your insights will help me on this musical journey.

    Give it a listen, and drop your thoughts in the comments or send me a message. I can't wait to hear from you and learn from your valuable feedback. Thank you for being a part of this exciting adventure with me! 


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  5. This is the second song i am creating but can't seem to get superior drummer 3 to work. I created 2 tracks (one midi) and have the inputs and outputs set as shown. However, I don't hear any sound. 

    5-DM1-DZd is the drum map I created (its not complete so if i could find a comprehensive drum map for SD3, it would be much appreciated). 

    On my previous project, I have some additional fields with C, B and P before them. I have no idea how they got there but SD3 in that project works. Any solutions/ suggestions?

    Superior drummer.jpg

    Superior drummer.jpg

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