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Celestial Borhau

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Posts posted by Celestial Borhau

  1. Okay, I have no idea what this was still but I fixed it.

    Basically I went in and assigned the master output level, right click the output knob in TH3, to an empty automation slot. Then I went into the instruments automation panel and pulled the line to 100%. This doesn't change the output level, however, what it does do is make sure that it will not change of its own accord again and you can set it yourself freely. 

  2. 18 hours ago, mettelus said:

    Do you have a controller connected? There are snap (and latch) features available, but I have not used them often enough to know where to check them offhand. Hopefully someone will chime in on that specifically.

    @Promidi had the answer about the audio.

    No, I don't - when I say knob I mean the plugin visuals not a physical one.


  3. 2 hours ago, Byron Dickens said:

    Why are you trying to put audio effects on a MIDI track?


    2 hours ago, mettelus said:

    Another thing to check with TH3 when used on an audio track is that the In Source (Master button at the top, then In Source on the left). If actually used to a guitar (mono input) that should be set to match (often the left channel in most cases). It defaults to "Stereo" which will nerf the output in that situation because the missing input is still considered. Be sure inputs are routed properly, and as Byron mentioned, TH3 is an audio FX (it should be on the audio track associated with your VSTi output).

    Thank you, but this is not it, as I had it set to stereo previously and it was working as usual. The problem is not the input, when I adjust the output it literally will snap back to 50% as soon as I let go of the knob or start playing the track if it is in automation. 

    Also, not really relevant but why shant I use Fx on VST's? I've never have any issues. 

  4. Hiya, right so I've been using the TH-3 FX on  a VST and it was all going well until suddenly, the master output level locked to 50%. 

    I have no idea how to fix this, I've tried going into the automation lanes and manually putting the output level up but that also always locks back to 50% - I also tried going into TH-3 itself and setting it back, but obviously that didn't work either. I checked all the other automation lanes and nothing should be interfering - after that I made sure the output level wasn't attached to any automation parameter, still nothing. Velocities are all default and I haven't added any Midi events.

    I cant remember exactly what I did to do this - I was in the middle of copying multiple tracks and pasting them somewhere else and after playing it I realised something was off, Undo, the pasted content is gone as it should be but the sound is the same, look in the edit tab - I recognise all the actions but none of them point to the issue, close cakewalk, 'Save changes?', No. 


    Whatever it is it is burned into that project so I'm gonna have to go in and fix it myself - any pointers? 

    I am on Windows 10 - 64 Bit. 



  5. earlier today I had been using a Bluetooth MIDI device, unfortunately I could not get it to work correctly on Cakewalk and so I looked online and was advised to change the MIDI Driver to UWP, after applying this change the whole application froze and stopped responding. 

    Now, whenever I open Cakewalk the starting screen freezes and stops responding too and no matter how long I wait it doesn't start responding again. As of now I have tried rebooting in safe mode and shift running Cakewalk which did not work, I've also tried renaming the aud file to aud.old but obviously this didn't work as it is a Midi driver problem, not an audio driver one. Is there any way to fix this? I would really like to be able to use my DAW again.. 

    I am on windows 10, 64 bit.

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