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Everything posted by Joakim

  1. The new preset system is actually worse than the old massive though, no tags or filters.
  2. Another option is bx_refinement from PA.
  3. It doesnt work because som apps need a newer version. The installer should check and accept a newer version but Air’s installers doesn’t and windows doesn’t allow you to (manually) installer an older one.
  4. Even worse, they tried to install an old version of .net. Windows wouldn’t allow it so many people have not been able to install their plugins for years (myself included).
  5. Joakim

    AIR Updates

    Big fan of hypersonic as well. The steinberg take on it is jalion sonic and it’s very similar in look and feel.
  6. I bought it. I love synths with tag based presets browsers as I can quickly find sounds and tweak them, The sounds are great and it can do a lot of things but the presets gravitates to modern big bass sounds. The only I will say that it’s deep, and like some of their other synths it takes some time to get your head around it. It’s perfect for sound design etc though and the presets get you to a starting point quickly.
  7. Wave alchemy bassynth 50% off, now £74.98 Feature List Available in Standalone, VST, AU and AAX formats. BASSYNTH is powered by FREE Kontakt Player from Native Instruments. Full version of Kontakt is NOTrequired Forward-thinking, truly modern Bass Engine powered by a ground-breaking library of 800+ multi-sampled sound sources, oscillators, Foley & wavetables 290 beautifully crafted, forward-thinking presets covering all modern genres Advanced Sound Design Engine for creating and layering ground-breaking, expressive bass patches and beyond Filters, modulation, FX and all sound design parameters available per Voice 8 voices of Unison per Layer, with detune, stereo spread and wet/dry control etc etc www.wavealchemy.co.uk/bassynth/pid190/
  8. There’s no further discount if you own 4 or 5 of them already so I’ll pass. .
  9. Yep, they only take one product into account for upgrades unfortunately, typically the most expensive one. It doesn’t matter how many other products you have.
  10. I’m a good drummer, ok bass player and mediocre keyboard player but terrible guitar player and I love the session guitarist series. I can’t see anything negative about having tools like this available for people like me.
  11. It’s been on sale for a few days but I didn’t see a post for it. Imagine the dream of owning a studio filled with the most influential Drum Machines of our time. Imagine having instant access to the TRUE authentic sound of the iconic 909, 808, 606, 78, Linndrum, Drumtraks, Drumulator, OB-DX and many others. Imagine a world where this dream becomes reality… Was £149.95 now £44.9 Wave alchemy Revolution
  12. The modulation looks a lot more advanced though.
  13. I got this with Phils cascade for 29, first time i actuality managed to use my 50 voucher in a long time.
  14. One reason to why there’s a difference: Guitarist are used to hearing the amp live in the room, which is not what plugins are simulating (i.e a mic:ed speaker).
  15. Indeed, and those plugins are both lightweight and effective - it just works. I have more plugins than anyone needs but these are my new go-tos. Highly recommend.
  16. Joakim

    Sotube Heartbeat

    I’ve had it for a few years now, and it’s actually more of a creative tool. It does have a somewhat limited range (classic drum machine) of sounds but gets you there very quickly. Turning buttons have a drastic effect but it always turns into something usable. I imagine it would be very cool for live use/jams.I don’t mind the missing sequencer as I use my DAW for that but I would like to see more variety in the sound department and a few more effects. It needs an update imho, and competition is stiff,
  17. Tried to add a 29 plugin to a 49 deal to pass the $75 threshold of the $50 voucher, but they ruined it by adding a stack discount for 2 plugins taking it just under 75. Truly useless voucher.
  18. You don't get all the preset with AL if you don’t buy the underlying synths though, which is why I bough V-collection while I mostly use AL (plus I can tweak sounds),
  19. I also received a 50% off voucher when logging in, check your account
  20. Meet our Christmas Guiro - a free Christmas:ified 🎄percussion instrument, played with your mod wheel. To get your copy, simply login to your Klevgrand account (or create one). To play our Guiro, press down the candy cane with note-on and move it with midi control change #1.
  21. They indeed cover similar ground but in practice you get very different things from them Pigment sounds very analogue and the presets are often complex. Can be CPU heavy. Phase plant tend to sound more digital and aggressive. The interface may be the best I’ve ever seen in a synth, and it’s easy to understand complex patches, The presets are very contemporary and has plenty of attitude. I use both frequently, probably more than any of my other 20+ synths together. One thing I like about pigments is that it has loads of presets which van be easily managed with tags. it can be very cpu heavy though. Kilohearts just started offering presets so perhaps there is more to come. You really need the snapins if you want to edit sounds though (presets work without them). I use pigments more because of the huge preset library, but you can’t go wrong with any of them.
  22. Triad is awesome, even if you aren’t doing crazy things. Ex you could put your delay only on the high frequencies, and it’s great for troubleshooting, like putting a gate on a narrow band etc. All of the byomoe presets are there and this is basically a multi-band version of it. You can do some additional cool things with it like modulating the cross over points etc.
  23. I’m thinking about buying hardware, but the question is which version if amplitube I would be getting. Any ideas?
  24. The compression curves are quite configurable though but it doesn’t do saturation. The best feature imho is the side chain spectral ducking, to carve out conflicting frequencies across channels.
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