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Light Grenade

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Posts posted by Light Grenade

  1. Boz plugins are a hidden gem.  The +10dB channel strip, The Hoser and Imperial Delay are my personal favourites.

    His stuff isn't on sale half as much companies like Waves for example. Well worth the money at full price.

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  2. I'm regularly boucing stems and tracks, either for archiving or for sending to another engineer to mix. I'd really benefit from the track export function to keep the same names as the cakewalk track names.  I know Reaper lets you do this.

    If this existed, I could name tracks like:
    01_Kick In
    02_Kick Out
    03_Snare Top

    and they would appear in the window file explorer, in order, and in a naming convetion most engineers are happy with. It would also mean tracks could be imported into any DAW in order.
    As it currently stands, the export with a convention like:

    They're then all out of order in the file explorer, and I have to go in a rename every single track, which can be time consuming.

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  3. What is it you don't like about the AT? Are you finding it too bright, too muddy, or something else? Once you identify that, it will be easier to pick the right microphone. 

    I currently use a Blue Baby Bottle for 75% of my vocal recording. It's considerably darker than other condenser microphones. It's response seems closer to a ribbon microphone but I really like that. If that's not working, I'll shift to a Sontronics Orpheus which is brighter.  I'm in Scotland so I'm not sure how much these mics are in USD. 

  4. Have you installed any new plugins?

    This happened with one of my sessions and Voxengo SPAN was the culprit. It worked fine for ages, then I started getting this exact error. Everything loads fine, then the window just closes - no error box or error code.

    I found the error via disabling it in safe mode. It's a bit of nightmare, but it definitely sounds like one plugin is messing with your session. I uninstalled SPAN VST3 and reinstalled the VST2 version and it fixed the issue.

    Hold shift when opening a session and disable plugins one by one until you find the malfunctioning plugin.


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  5. 13 hours ago, Rick1 said:

    Hi guys! Long time Cakewalk user here. I just bought the newest mac running Mac OS Catalina. For 15 years I have been using Cakewalk and I can't see myself using any other DAW. I so wish there was a Mac version, but I know sadly there is not. Does anybody here has experience in doing this?   I greatly appreciate any clear route to using Cakwealk on Mac, but I would love to hear any  success stories. Are you currently running Cakewalk on Mac? The Bandlab version? Previous Versions? Please help! Thanks to everyone here.

    I have no experience of doing this, but the last studio I worked at, one of the engineers had a macbook that was 'bootcamped' and it seemed to work ok. That enabled him to use Logic on the apple side, and windows utilities on the other.


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  6. 6 hours ago, David Baay said:

    Glad to help. It sounded familiar though I hadn't encountered it myself for a long time.  As the range and quality of my plugin collection has superceded my old hardware processors (mostly digital, so no analog 'sweetening' to be gained), I haven't used external insert for quite a while, much less in combination with soloing buses. 

    Yeah, same here. I got rid of plenty and now only have have one high end piece for the mix bus. I was looking at getting a higher end compressor for the drum bus but I think I'll give it a miss now.

  7. Hi folks,

    I mix through a hardware compressor which sits on the master bus. I use the external insert plugin to do this.

    On the session I'm working on, I get no sound when I solo a bus, nor does volume automation work on any bus. Upon solo'ing any bus. no sound hits my master fader.

    However, solo'ing individual tracks works fine, as does muting busses. I can hear the mix fine when everything is playing, and manual fader movements on busses also work.

    All behaviour returns to normal when I bypass the external insert plugin.

    Any ideas?

  8. I use AOMEI Backupper for hard drive backups. I do this for my audio folder and system backups. These are scheduled with the paid version, but the free version is still very, very functional. 

    For cloud backups, I use Sync.com and it's seriously good. I sleep much easier now knowing that I have it. If you can get your system running okay with an internet connection, I highly recommend it. Backups in real time, encrypts at source, doesn't cache memory, has the ability to create rapid upload and download links for sharing files. It's much better than Google Drive & Dropbox. 

  9. I personally record and mix at 44.1kHz / 24bit. The difference in sound quality is negligible, and I'd rather work with audio that's easier on my CPU. A lot of my clients are still releasing CD's, so it makes sense for me to work in 44.1kHz. 

    I am a bit of skeptic when it comes to sample rates, bit-depth, dithering and all that stuff. A good set of converters and you're good to go. It's far too easy to get hung up on this stuff, when a multitude of other things can make a much bigger difference to your sound.


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  10. I normally bounce to a track within my mixing session and trim on the stereo file. This works most of the time, but if I feel like being more pedantic, I'll navigate to where all my tracks approximately end, select them all and drag them to the same point and then fade. 

    It's important to remember that some plugins introduce noise (tape simulators mostly) so you might need to automate a mute with a volume envelope on offending tracks. 

  11. For a raw vocal, I think it sounds fine. Nothing a bit of EQ and general processing can't sort out. 

    Maybe try taking a step back from the mic which should naturally roll off some low end, you could be inducing proximity effect. It's also important to judge and mix your vocal recording in context with the song, rather than on it's own. 

  12. I'm not a huge fan of Waves, but their H-Reverb is very, very good. It can go from realistic to crazy  and it's as complex as you want it to be. I didn't realise how average BREVERB was until last year when I downloaded some new verbs. 

    bx_rooMS & Slate Verbsuite are pretty good too. 

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