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Leo Bittencourt

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Posts posted by Leo Bittencourt

  1. On 10/11/2022 at 10:40 PM, bitflipper said:

    Could you maybe expand on your specific problem? Yes, OMF support in Cakewalk does have some limitations, as does every DAW other than ProTools, where it is a native feature. This is not a secret. AFAIK users (albeit a small subset of Cakewalk users that need it) have been successfully transferring projects out of Cakewalk for years via OMF, even though it's been considered a dead protocol for awhile.

    I'd agree that if you regularly transfer projects to ProTools, then you should probably be working in ProTools. But if you try other DAWs to see if they suit your needs better, I'd suggest a small test project rather than investing hours creating a full project.

    In my case, I always liked working with Cakewalk more but sometimes I need to deliver projects to be finished in protools, other times to be edited in logic, Nuendo, etc... I've had successful experiences of exporting OMF on the old Sonar. I've already decided to take your advice to create and commake in another DAW, but at the moment, I need to try to export 6 25-minute episodes of an animated series. 

    All episodes have been approved by the project direction and just need to deliver to the team that will finalize the assembly, sound designer, etc. If there's no hicthing, I'll have to reassemble everything in Logic or protools. About specifying my problem : I have tried many different settings OMF1,OMF2, Split stereo, Aiff, Wave, etc.. and i always get error information. Strange these errors are not mentioned on the official pages of CAkewalk  


    Some of the many error messages

    Captura de tela 2022-10-12 174455.png

    Captura de tela 2022-10-12 173925.png

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