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Everything posted by EnglandBross

  1. Hello everibody, I was asking myself if I'm alone with this issues . let me know if you have the same problems! - Color can't change in strip/bus channel - Automation gain can't work on clips and near fade points Buona Musica Issue-101A.m4v
  2. Hello, same problem with Lab 4 and song crash with mackie control select.
  3. Ciao Alfio Il consiglio è quello di installare una versione aggiornata del programma. La versione a cui fai riferimento tu è Pro Audio 9. Buona Musica
  4. it doesn't work , but I know what you said I would move all entire selected point whit a FADER but without Offset mode
  5. is it possible to insert a control to move all automation point from FADER ?
  6. Ciao Roberto , potresti personalizzare la vista sul pannello in alto a destra con un tuo setup che mostra la barra in basso , salvato il preset ogni volta troveresti la barra sotto e non sopra.( ci hai dato uno spunto per un tutorial) per il salvataggio invece , la modalità pacchetto permette di condividere i progetti ma non è di default un modo per salvare i progetti. Ciao buona Musica
  7. I have had a problem to assign colors on the Bus track , the Palette disappear itself only with the mouse's passage
  8. I have only two ways .. 16/44100 or 24/44100 my sound card it's a Scarlet2i2 3th Gen. I don't know why, but if i open a new project whit 96.000, suddenly the win sound change in to 96.000 ... it's almost unreal
  9. I have tried to change the clip rate and also in the properties page, but Win sample rate stays at 44,100.
  10. sorry that wasn't the question .. anyway I try but doesn't work ... is still crashing ! I'm talking about the Windows driver, generally when you open the project, Windows changes the driver setting in the same way as cakewalk... but not now!
  11. I have a problem with Driver ASIO, if the project has been writing in 44100 , if I change 96.000 ( in other PC) the engine doesn't change, it remain on 44.100 (windows audio engine) caunsing the crash of siste
  12. I have the same problem with Driver ASIO, if the project has been writing in 44100 , if I change 96.000 ( in other PC) the engine doesn't change, it remain on 44.100 (windows audio engine) caunsing the crash of siste
  13. Ciao Roberto, nello specifico vuoi assegnare le patch da Cakewalk ?
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