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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Points all well made Brian. I bought the laptop thinking I would use it more. I just haven't. Right now it's loaned out to a friend who's laptop went down until they can get their laptop fixed. I use a portable handheld if I go out to get say nature recordings or similar. This is the nice thing about it. We aren't boxed into any one system. I like the Waves idea for people like you.
  2. Scook is the fastest draw in the west.
  3. Brian I guess I run In different circles. I don't do this for a living. I work in automation which isn't related at all to DAWS. I take my work out sometimes on a laptop for live shows. I guess my exposure is limited. I have a tough time finding the time to track on my one studio DAW. 🙂 Maybe I need to "get out" more.
  4. I don't remember there being a huge collection of the 3rd party plugins written for the PC. Judging from descriptions I've heard it's basically a normal vst with a different wrapper for the PC. Important considerations would be making the GUI small enough to fit into the PC and still be operational. Cakewalk are definitely onto something with regard to the workflow improvements if one only wanted to lean heavily on the PC as a one stop fx area.. The benefit being the toolkit is readily available in one open window. You can't do that stacking vst up in the fx bin. I liked the way automation was so closely tied to plug ins in the PC as well. Without a doubt we have people here who could make these additions using standard vsts. Making a vst bin in the PC is somewhat helpful. It is more advantageous to integrate the PC with PC written plugins IMHO. Anyone care to give this a try?
  5. Maybe more people than I realized move between two computers often? I didn't see this being a widespread thing. It's wasted on me. I have a laptop for anything I don't do in the studio. If I need it, I grab the usb out of my desktop which is almost never. For me, it's a nice addition to the WUP "just in case". I will probably never use it. I don't begrudge Waves. This appears to be another way to persuade people to upgrade their WUP since this doesn't go backward to older licenses as far as I know.
  6. Overall I think they are a good company who make good plugins. You need ilok to use. I had best luck using the hardware iLok. Cloud was slow for me. I made the false assumption that the HD version was somehow better. Not so. The difference between native and HD is "AAX HD" a PT format. AAX HD versions will work in FOH mixers with compatible OS or standard Pro Tools HD DAW applications. This is Pro Tools related. Many developers such as Softube and Izotope have dropped support for it. The native version of the plugin also has AAX as a choice upon download, so it should still run in any application that uses AAX. For Cakewalk all you need is VST.
  7. I almost brushed this one aside. I had 100 negative anti uplifting things to say but decided against it. I chose to say something uplifting instead. That should make short work of your head. Post on CbB thread. "Vintage Organs Don't Work". I won't comment on that one. As Mesh would say, TMI. Mine are working pretty well though considering.
  8. Glad to see that you're coping with it in a positive way. Getting out to walk is a good thing. Yesterday I had a bad stroke of luck. I accidentally knocked some of my wife's makeup off of the sink in the bathroom and it fell behind the toilet. No problem right? Just get it and put it back. I bent down to get it and barely touched the toilet hose. It must have been ready to blow because me merely touching it made it give away. Water was blowing everywhere.I put my finger over the broken line thinking I would be able to turn it off at the toilet valve. Try doing that with one hand while holding the leak with the other. I quickly realized since the valve hadn't been turned off in at least 5 years it was seized. I called my wife and tried to tell her to go turn off the water main. She couldn't understand where the valve was. In the end , we traded places with her doing finger duty on the break while I ran to turn off the water. During the shift change we probably lost at least 3 gallons of water onto the floor. Long story short, I ended up in an unplanned visit to Lowes. For those in the UK, that's a large hardware store here in the US. Now tell me if this makes any sense? You can't have over 10 people in a church at one time but there were 300 people at Lowes yesterday. Probably the worst place to be to avoid COVID-19. Especially on a weekend. Fast forward...I get the parts to fix the leak. My wife notices another item we intended to get on sale at a great deal. We get to the register and I pay for it. They over charged me for the item by huge amount. The clerk tells me I need to go to the help desk to settle the issue. I go to the end of another long line for the second time. Finally settled it. I wore a mask. I wasn't always at 6ft distance from others. I used hand sanitizer. There were lots of people there. I hope we are ok. Accidentally knocking a lipstick to the floor costed me a lot! Lesson- Stay away from the makeup!!
  9. I guess I'm just an oversimplified person. I use what works for what I need to do. Lots of brainiacs who are probably far superior to me intellectually, at least in this respect, have toiled for countless hours on Microsoft or Apple's dime to make things that are secure and that work well. We need you guys we really do. Linux..all you're going to get from me there is a meh. I get more exited over my sandwich at lunch time. It was never a part of my early childhood development. It's an OS. When I buy software I look for solid software that works well and lets me "do productive stuff". Right now that is Windows. Yes I know. They are the devil in disguise. I loaded Ubuntu onto a few computers several years ago that had corrupted WinXP systems. I liked it as a basic web search tool. Forget buying programs for it though. My life is too short to look for ways to make my workflow more complex. Linux looked like a thing for people who love to get into the innards and play with stuff in an OS. If someone cracks my credit card I get a notification on all of my devices. Happened last year. Someone tried to buy a small item thinking I wouldn't notice it. Then they tried a larger item. They were unsuccessful. I called the bank. Getting a new card was seamless. I was refunded the money. I use complicated passwords for anything financial. Don't use the same passwords. I suspect the issue came from a motel stay at another state because they had all of my info. They thought they were canny. They waited a few months before they tried to use the CC#. The only time I had to stay logged onto my home computer all the time was when I worked from home. Typically I don't leave my computer running all day. I had an attempted breach at my local bank account. They never were able to get in. When I called the bank they stated that someone has managed to get some info on lots of accounts, so I suspect that breach came through the bank servers. Once again, the crooks didn't get anything for their trouble.
  10. Thanks for the tip! I have this plugin and had forgotten it. I'll have to pull it out, dust it off and give it a spin again. I finally recall I opened it once and thought about using it, then I forgot I had it.
  11. Glad to hear you're getting by. It looks like things are letting up around here some. A few people said to heck with the mayor's timelines and decided to open. There's no way the city can enforce it if the whole city opens. To be clear these aren't a bunch of half cocked people. They are using the 6ft precautions and masks. The line needs to be drawn somewhere. We can't live like this indefinitely. It' Spring time and it would take an act of God to keep people from going out and doing what they do. Precautions yes, always. I use plenty of hand sanitizer, wear a mask and watch what I'm touching in public...eh, that last comment didn't come out quite the way I intended 😮
  12. This is the thing. You have been doing this for so long you could probably do it in your sleep. I don't know the first thing about it. I am operationally computer savvy. Not much past that on the programming end of things in this capacity at least. What is easy for you is probably not something a lot of people can do or they don't have the time to look into it. I am only recently getting more into deeper audio editing solutions. Most of the time a stereo track that's off on one side by a few milliseconds won't be noticed so I haven't bothered. It's only since I've been trying to tighten things up more that I have found a need for it. The overall perception of say 12 stereo tracks that are all off by a few milliseconds can add up to a less than solid feel in the final mix. I can try the older solution offered. And thanks for that Google link to try.At first glance at it makes me nervous because it goes into the registry. I much prefer your solution to that. Best case would be having it somehow integrated into the tools menu as something that we simply point to the program. Maybe it is presently that easy. I'll give this a try before I say much more. I realize we have a lot of career computer programmers here. It's easy to say, just do this and that for you guys. Consider that all most people ever work with is the GUI.
  13. These were my thoughts on this too. Intel no longer uses hyper threading? I would question that the two are "essentially identical". There seem to be some very big differences. Admittedly maybe It's just the way I'm looking at it. One technology seems to be more catered to the purpose while the other technology seems to be a more generic approach which to my thinking could be a less effective approach in some situations? It would be similar to comparing a wankle engine to a fuel injected internal combustion engine. They might both show an equal horsepower spec, but they wouldn't both behave the same way under a load. In computer speak, I think it might come down to cpu cycles and how efficient each method really is in the same situations. One thing is for sure. One of the "engines" needs more coolant. This is a great way to deal with it IMO. I would have done the same but I am tracking using the built in screen capture in Vegas 16. Mono track 16bit/48 audio. The audio has pops in it from the get go. The only way around it is to track with two programs ( cumbersome to do). Screen capture is a new addition to that program and I love the way it works. I just wish I could get clean audio from it. I'm using a nice mic. Not the one on my camera. Thanks!
  14. Best to you Notes. Sorry to hear this. You have both my sympathy and my support. It has to be frustrating. Lots of my play for pay artist friends who mostly did bars and gave lessons are also hurting. The lessons are now Skype lessons instead of "in person lessons" My violin teachers are doing this. One of my friends who is about your age I'm guessing pulled in most of his income from gigs and, like you, probably drew Social Security on the side. He has to be hurting as well since he was playing two or three gigs minimum every day of the week non stop. Probably doesn't know what to do with himself now. Another my friends is a pro guitarist and has a pretty good FB following invited a bunch of us to attend a live streamed event from his home and he has a "tip jar" out. I don't actively post on Facebook nor do I look to add friends. When I do post music links almost no one sees them. I might get two likes on something I spent 12 hours to make and mix...so I sorta gave up on it most of the time. For you though, maybe you know a bunch of people on FB? Might be something to try. Just a thought.
  15. Kenny these are great....and why I don't put my picture up for an avatar lol. I was kicked off the violinist forum for doing this exact same thing with a person's face there. I thought it was funny. They wouldn't know a joke if it bit them on the weeney. I have you to thank for getting me away from that bunch of you know whats. Thanks! Aside from the bad dreams I'll probably have to night as a result, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I guess I had similar thinking even though I own SoundForge, Vegas and Acid Pro. I don't think my version of SF is the pro version though. I had prior accumulated the Izotope versions of RX. Those are not the "pro" versions either although a few times they saved my hide in removing pops and clicks from recorded tracks in Vegas. I'll admit to a few probably unfounded biases. That old Windows looking UI. All of those programs seem to have retained it. On one level I understand that these are windows programs and as such they have windows graphics DNA. That "look" to me though says "old" and "outdated". Granted I'm not a windows programs writer. I think people like that don't give it much thought. They are instead more interested in what the program can do. One thing I think highlights this even more is all of the sleek looking web pages and DAWs out there. Then when I go back to the SF stuff it feels like 1992 or something. I am SO glad Cakewalk moved into the Aero look back in the X days. Magix programs have improved in function and overall stability. I like that they are keeping with the times in that regard, but it's time for them to be looking at updating the look of those programs IMHO. I still like the general way that program works, I just wish I could call it up in Cakewalk, edit audio, close the program and have an edit reside in Cakewalk. Even if it was a destructive edit. Otherwise I have to open two programs, edit audio, reinsert said audio back into Cakewalk. This looks like a very nice solution. Thanks. I'll look into it as an option. Scook is a very computer savvy smart dude who is an ace helper here on the CW forum. Scook we thank you! Please take into consideration this as a later addition to Cakewalk. Slide Mr. Scook some re numeration for his trouble or at the least make it worth his while. I would LOVE to see this feature since A. Most DAWS are not able to do the kinds of editing we sometimes need to do and B. Not everyone is capable of adding the scook program or knows how to do it. I know the DAW is free. I know it's probably asking a lot. I don't think the feature would be unused. Nothing is seriously bugging me about the Sound Forge other than the dated GUI and the fact that we can't bring it into Cakewalk the way msmcleod demonstrates it with Acoustica Basic. Yes I could find and download scook's program, but to be fair this isn't the answer most of the user base would want to hear. No one likes work arounds and this is a work around.
  17. I did some investigation into the way that AMD and Intel process thread information. Hyper Threading was a term coined before multi core chips were all the rage and since it was a proprietary technology AMD couldn't use it, so they use something called multi threading instead . It is important to note that the two don't work exactly the same. Otherwise it would have been an infringement on the Intel patents. To be clear, this idea focuses more on the way physical cores are dealt with and not so much the the physical cores themselves. The fact that a cpu has lots of cores doesn't mean much if the way they are used is less efficient. Hyper threading works with a firm connection between the hardware and the software. The software has to be written to take advantage of it. While multi threading has a similar outcome the two don't work the same from the inside. The OS and software must be written to take advantage of whatever hardware chip /MOBO configurations are there. In the case of Intel Hyper threading I think this is a MOBO /cpu dependent thing from the get go. I'm not sure about multi threading as used in AMD architecture. It isn't the same thing. An article I found on it HERE I
  18. To be fair I think Vegas is a pretty good program overall and since I'm not into the big video productions it works well for me. It was mainly the audio part of it that I am having issues with. Vegas is supposed to accept vst plugins but I often have issues in trying to use anything but their own "track optimized" plugins. In a nutshell, I think they have some more work to do with the audio portion of that program. Since Magix bought it as an orphan that needed work I understand it might take awhile for them to get it up to speed in the audio department. The cooler I used is a Noctura. I'll post a few more pics of it. My case has a push fan on the rear and a pull fan on the front. My video card has it's own fan. All fans are so quiet I never hear the computer running and it sits right under my desk. If you want pics of the entire build I have them and will share if you want to PM. These builds are not difficult to assemble. Everything is labled. Plugs only fit in one way. The main thing is to make sure the heat sink material is well distributed on the cpu before you put the cooling fan on.
  19. Here in my area at least it isn't as much of a thing either way once people get to know you. Back then though, my dad was a barber on a Navy ship in addition to his other duties before I came along. He also cut hair at a barber shop for awhile. I didn't have a prayer to have long hair. Living in a climate where it regularly gets to 98-100 F in the summer with high humidity didn't exactly make me want to have long hair. We are talking about the deep conservative south here and my mom was fundamental Baptist. That was another BIG strike against long hair. When I got older I grew it out more. This was the late 70's and long hair had been a thing for awhile for the younger people even in the conservative south. Long for me was over my ears. It never went to my shoulder. Later on when I took a job in the trades I was around torches, high voltage, moving belts and pulleys. Catch your hair in the belt system of a 30hp electric motor and you were probably going to have a closed casket funeral. You really put yourself at risk unless you have the hair put up somehow. Not to mention passing a job interview looking like Tiny Tim probably wasn't a good idea since most employers looked at it like a possibility you were into drugs and they didn't want to hire anyone who did drugs. TBH Most of the people I knew who had long hair at the time were in fact doing drugs. In my area now ( The NE US) service industry employers who send employees to personal residences tout that all of their employees have been drug tested and have no criminal records. I hate to say it but they do look at how you look and they do judge even if it isn't true. I have learned from going into many personal residences that sometimes it's customers you have to watch. Now I work at a university with computer controlled automation. It's a union shop. You aren't supposed to in any way judge anyone by what they look like so theoretically I could look like just about any way I wanted to look. We have workers who have pony tails. The unwritten rule though is you probably hurt yourself for future promotions if you intentionally want to look especially odd. Having a pony tail is not considered odd compared to some of the other stuff I've seen. The music biz is a whole other thing. Metal and Rock acts are probably expected to have long hair, though this isn't always true just look at Metallica. I guess for a business owner working from home it really doesn't matter. The main thing is what look makes YOU the most comfortable. That's what I have always gone by.
  20. Believe it or not Craig SF is still alive and kicking under a new German owner. The most recent high end version of it looks pretty good but much more expensive than Goldwave. The name alone makes me want to try it. If I'm not using loops which I seldom do, them I'm often dragging pairs of mono tracks around which were tracked at the same time on the same instrument using different mics in close proximity. I prefer this to tracking in stereo because it gives me more control over the spread and feel. The problem is it's really easy to be off by a few ticks between tracks if I move them. It can be done in most DAWS if you expand the graphic representations of the wave forms. Some better than others. You can hit the play button and your area of interest goes away really fast which means you are constantly toggling back and forth to edit. "If" instead you have a separate program or window that can be expanded while still keeping the existing project as is that would be great. I haven't had much luck with linking 3rd party programs . Many DAWs have the option to link an audio editing program. My original question was more tied to an all in one kind of thing that works similar. There might not be such a thing.
  21. That looks really nice! I know a few people who are perpetually lost in the 70's.
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