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Everything posted by Starise

  1. In case you couldn't read this directly. He wants to add a colored piano roll.
  2. Bitflipper, I hope you know my intention wasn't intended to be anything but helpful. I figured you were probably already very aware of the pros and cons. I think I threw that out there for anyone who might read this because I hate to see people get sick from anything no matter what it is. I didn't know anything about CBD and thanks for the info. My personal opinion on the subject is we have much bigger fish to fry here in the US than such a trivial thing as cannabis. For goodness sake, why not go after the real problems? Is it abused? Anything can be abused. I didn't come from that "culture". Wouldn't know where or how to even buy it if I wanted it as a straight product to be smoked. I guess that's because I never had the inclination. In my location at the time no one ever offered me any of it. I suppose I have been sheltered to some extent. Does that make me any better than anyone else? No. I still managed to get into plenty of other trouble without it.
  3. Did you select the installation path or let the installer do it? If you can locate the folder and see the plugin in the folder this would not be the problem. There are some folders that look similar but aren't , for instance there is often a VST folder located under X86 Program files and a second location in Program files. X86 is typically where older of 32 bit versions of plugins were installed. Installer would have likely put this somewhere under Program Files. Have you tried looking under "insert" heading instead of looking in synth pane on the right?? https://youtu.be/0T8BdlnNEmQ
  4. Hi Tom, Yes this is a 50 amp sub panel using 6 -2 with ground wire coming from my 200 amp service. The breaker for that panel is actually in the 200 amp panel since the sub panel doesn't have the option for a main breaker. The sub panel has a 25 amp breaker for the heat pump and four 20 amp breakers all ran using 12 wire. Two of those breakers are in another location. One is only for a large ceiling fan that probably doesn't use over 5 amps. The other breaker is for outlets in another room where nothing more than a vacuum cleaner, reading light or fan will ever be plugged in. The other two 20A breakers are designated for the studio. One for lighting and the other for gear. Since I'm getting some low hum in my system now I was attempting to eliminate hum in the other studio. The hum I get now is likely from emissions coming off the wire or bad wires since I'm only on one circuit in there. There's a lot of spaghetti though and I think it shares the lighting. A dedicated 20A should help. I looked around and the closest thing I could find non MC was something called "tray wire". They use it for electronic cash register runs and similar. It's also called instrumentation wire. That wire seems to have an aluminum shield. Maybe the wire my electrician friend mentioned as actually some kind of special MC that lets you ground the jacket or has a wire fused to the outer jacket ? Still looking.
  5. Wiring standards and descriptions are different between countries. My question concerns the US wiring standards. I'm finally getting around to pulling some wires for a future studio from an electrical sub panel I put in for another project. An electrician friend of mine mentioned there is a special high voltage wire (115 volts) I could get that comes with a shield to reduce interference into the line. It basically sounds like NM-B wire with an integral shield made into the wire that goes to neutral in the panel. Not an external conduit. Does anyone know what this wire the electrician is referring to is called? I originally planned to run two 12-2 with ground NM-B wires 20 amps each. I was thinking one for lighting and one for the computer and equipment. I won't be running a bunch of outboard hardware gear. Just a computer, interface, monitors, some keyboards and maybe a guitar effect or two. 20 amps is probably overkill. I already have the heat pump installed on a separate breaker.
  6. This is probably something I will investigate in the future. I agree with those who say the screen can be too close and too large. In my current studio I use two large monitors. My eyes aren't the best up close so I have been either wearing computer glasses which are supposed to offer some protection from screen emissions which still exists to some extent even on lcd monitors "or" 1.75 readers. Those glasses really pull everything up clearly for me. If and when one of my monitors dies I will probably take a look at those large curved screen monitors first. The thing is, I am perfectly content with what I have right now. I can split everything up between the monitors and I like that. No reason for me to change really until or unless I have some kind of a failure. My video card is a mid tier gamer card which is mostly ok, but I'm sure when I eventually look into a new monitor replacement I will also be looking at what's available in the most recent video cards. As I say though. It isn't really needed now. I've seen those setups that use a combination of maybe two monitors lower and a high rez screen sitting above them as a third option. I don't like it because my neck wasn't made to bend up as comfortably for long periods of time as it was made to bend down or look on the level. I guess those who make music for film might use a setup like that more often. In that case I would prefer looking at level height at something smaller. I have a 55" TV mounted over my fireplace at home and from 15' away it's still plenty large enough. I can't imagine kissing one from 2' away.
  7. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of what's happening with you and a little brief history besides. Best to you on the new endeavor. Are you better off now than you were 10 years ago? The same? Worse? I can relate. I don't know exactly how I ended up where I ended up or why. I tried to be somewhere else. I never pictured this as being "it". I guess this is it. I was looking for an opportunity and a way to make it. Not make it big, just make it and get by comfortably. I managed to do it in a very uncommon way. It isn't a career in music but I am able to play and I guess that's enough for me. As a good friend of mine once said, I'm not hot, I'm not cold, I'm not hungry, I'm healthy. I'm ok.
  8. That's probably because she lacks the common support system. 🙄 The strap thingy that holds them up. In her case that would be a three person tent. She looks as if she could feed half of Rhode Island IMO. Just thinking out loud. Maybe I shouldn't do that.😮
  9. I'll never think of a Mac Mini in the same way ever again.😁
  10. Yes she looks like she has already been running a bit. Someone get that poor lady some counter weights.
  11. Well..................just look at the Rolling Stones. When they die I doubt they will need any sort of preservation. No intelligent germ would come within 50ft of the body. The only side effect is you look like a cross between a human raisin and shoe leather..
  12. I can also confirm this. Since .mov files are really an apple extension not all windows programs accept it. I suspect because Cubase is cross platform they somehow made it work on Windows computers. .mov is also a common Cannon extension. I found it frustrating early on in trying to find something that would import it from my cameras and also allow me to mix the audio in a DAW. Probably the most advanced video platform in a DAW besides Cubase for windows is Mixcraft. It has decent basic editing features but again no .mov. files accepted. Vegas has been hit or miss for me. Glitchy to say the least. The advanced version of Vegas accepts .mov. I only have the Vegas Movie Maker version 16. The other Magix program Movie Edit Pro Plus at 69.95 accepts .mov files and is a great editing program. This is what I ended up buying to edit .mov files although it isn't a DAW . I hate to say it, but Cubase looks better if you already have that program. Not sure how much video editing you have done, but computer video spec will come into play here in a big way. If under spec. the process won't be smooth.
  13. I preferred not to let my imagination go that far.😬
  14. Yeah, I'm not sure how far we really want to push the bizarre threshold. Second thought...go ahead. If you want to. I can't promise you I'll look. Maybe you could slide us a pre warning, pre cautionary pre conditioning warm up if you ever do that. At least I can prepare my eyes and take a drink first. It's kinda tough to go from zero to immediate trip all of a sudden. I intend to come out of the rabbit hole.😀
  15. When she runs down the road the puppies fight each other.
  16. That's a bummer about the check. I don't personally do the cannabis, but I have acquaintances who do. The one thing I've learned about it that I have personally seen is if you don't use a good filter you put yourself at risk for other serious issues. It's like smoking a rolled cigarette without filters. Case in point, a young guy under 30. The son of another person I know did a lot of it and contracted lung cancer. The synthesized cannabis is especially bad. That's bad for other reasons. I'm no authority on this stuff. I have seen this first hand. Maybe you remember the vaping issues that were found right before everyone 's attention was drawn to the C virus. This is another thing that was happening. You probably don't vape, but for anyone who does, there were very young people admitted to the hospital with serious lung complications because some of the fluid they were using.
  17. This is the new C virus way. No germs.
  18. Well. I'm still looking for pictures. Will we ever see the new Bitflipper?🤩 craigb. PLEASE. No pictures of you with no pants! Can you imagine what Kenny could do with those? Might need a little help in that dept. *ahem*. I really don't need to know.
  19. A bass player that buys EZ bass. Now I've seen everything. 🤣
  20. I'm just trying to fit in wit da homies.
  21. My pants were shrinking before the quarantine. They will soon call me Dunlap. Dunlapped over the belt. I did loose some serious weight last evening though. Something didn't agree with me about 2 in the morning. I know what it was. Trying to stay healthy I had a health shake. It was healthy alright. I probably stopped up the local waste water facility. I seriously didn't believe that much could come out of a man all at once. TMI? A two flusher? H** I needed a dump truck. They called the priest thinking it was a demon possession.
  22. Poor Linus. Where can I get some of that? I wouldn't be taking any of it just curious what it is?
  23. Thanks Notes. I guess everything is relative. We are all distant relatives, but that's another story. People were at that very moment lying in hospital beds in induced comas. I had a good day. This is going to sound crazy, but I think I've already had it but it didn't affect me in a serious way. I say this because I was hacking and coughing with breathing issues for a month right before the C virus was known . The next week we were all working from home and I found out one of my coworkers had it and had to be hospitalized. We were talking face to face within a few feet of one another before he went in. If it's that contagious I would have had it. They had to disinfect the building I work in. As a reference, a couple we know, the husband caught it and was so bad he was in the IU for three weeks. They didn't expect him to live. He finally pulled out of it thankfully. His wife, who slept right by him every night was a carrier but never really seriously had the virus. I think this was me. Though enough time has lapsed that I would no longer be a carrier. I still wear the mask. I could be wrong. I'm not a doc, but I have a gut feeling I had it because of the timing.
  24. Interesting connections to Lynx. I had to imagine what it was like naming both products, " What shall we call this deodorant?" Marketing rep shrugs shoulders, " I dunno". "Have you ever smelled a Lynx?" "Well no I can't say that I have. Why? What does this have to do with eliminating smelly armpits from the earth or Lynx-es?" "What do we know of these creatures? " Pardon me Craig, my punctuation is probably off slightly. I hope yo can ignore it. I wasn't so good in English class. Assistant- "They are furry maybe more like a fuzzy kind of furry and they look like a big cat with pointy ears. They eat other wildlife, probably armpits and all." "Hmmmmm I like the sound of that name though." "Lynx eliminates the stinks". " You know what we should do?" " No oh great lard butt one what?" "I don't know , I'm asking you". "OH" "Let's call it Lynx. Sounds suave. Sort of like naming a car after a Jaguar only this is deodorant, we know that." " None really knows what a Lynx smells like, so we can't be sued for false advertisement." Atari Lynx. That's easy. You may call a video game anything you want to call it. Gameboy did a lot better at the time mainly because of the larger marketing budget.
  25. Sorry Craig, I'll have to check my pics more closely next time. Maybe turn the photo in the frame. Use a level on it? What bothers me is then it wouldn't be an accurate representation. I'm going to need a few shovels and some work permits. Digging under the high side should do the trick.
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