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Tim Smith

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Everything posted by Tim Smith

  1. Hey @Jimbo 88 Much appreciated. I have that one laying around somewhere. I'll check this out. Thanks!
  2. I think you made the right calls on this in terms of quantization. And to be honest, I don't rweally hear anything that jumps out of time. You are right, it has a nice groove going. What do you mean dummers aren't musicians? LOL. Without you guys the whole game falls aparts when it comes to any music with a beat. You did a nice job on this. Kudos.
  3. Thanks for these observations. I @Ross Smithe @KSband and @treeshamust have played with guitar volume for hours. Main part is really played by two tracks I was tempted to track two vocal tracks which seems to work well for some mixes. Both guitar tracks are panned about 20% L/R. Maybe you know the feeling. Some mixes just seem to jump into place, while others can hang us up. Case in point. Me on a whim with a uke HERE. No forethought. Took about 20 minutes to play and record the basics. Playing isn't very tight. That recording itself basically sucks with lots of little noises in the beginning. It was supposed to be an experiment- over 300 plays on SC. Skip forward to this track. Hours and hours invested in trying to get it to sound right, playing the parts, etc, and it gets half the attention. Go figure. I will see what else I can do based on these suggestions. Thanks all!
  4. Tim Smith

    Coming Arrival

    Played guitars, no vsts. Had a tough ime getting vox to sit well. Still contemplating corrections.
  5. Tim Smith

    Mr. Sandman

    Pristine carving work here. Everything is nice in the mix. Video fits the feel you were looking for.
  6. Nice elements here all to the pretty steady beats! Thanks for sharing. Nice!
  7. Tim Smith

    Talkin Bout

    Definitelty captured the 60's vibe. Good stuff jack.
  8. Tim Smith

    All your love

    Pretty amazing given the equipment and software you used. Nice production!
  9. Thanks for the advice guys. I'll see about that guitar part.
  10. Could have something to do with the way I work which may be different than some. I haven't really dug too deep into SO because Ableton just fit what I do. It's a shame we spend so much money on all of this stuff and in the end we only use a few of the tools, but I guess it's educational. I was pretty proficient in Cubase and was beginning to warm up to it, but then....Ableton. Case closed for me.
  11. I'm like an old dog someone thows a bone to. You know I'm gonna look, even though I must have like 6000 waves plugins
  12. I have all of the most popular DAWS, and I guess it depends on what your doing. "Midi" editing can be simple or it can be very complex. I tend to make music and I just want to get it done well without a lot of hassle. Ableton Live is now my go to. When you realize it isn't a looper specifically, when you realize it is really the arranger of all arrangers IMO, when you realize it just works, I think you ( or others reading this) will use it. Music isn't generally created by lone composers in long segments. Take a rock tune for instance. It amounts to many simple elements generally speaking. This is where Ableton shines. I can plug into my interface, drop in a guitar part to a tempo and it's there to be easily arranged. Same with any other part. I think Ableton is by far the best so far as ease of making the elements fit. Example- You record a guitar part with just a smidgen too much length. Solution- Go into the clip you created and drag the measure marker to fit. Now you have a tight part. The best way is to use two screens or one large screen you can divide. Ableton has two views that can be displayed simultaneously. I keep the arranger section on my left screen and the linear section on the right screen. Once I get an arrangement I like , I can then "commit" to a printed mix in linear view. If you don't like it, hit CTRL-Z and do another take of all tracks. MIDI? It's a breeze in Ableton. Probably fine for everything but the most demanding midi editing. I have never come against anything it didn't do for me. Ableton is uber stable as a DAW on PC. Although if you use win 11 with a 12 core intel cpu, you may need to use core parking. At least this was the comment online from one user. I am still using my old 6 core and it works fine on win 10. I'm actually going to be deleting a few of the DAWs I never use. I won't tell you which ones. I'll keep cubase and Studio One for sure just in case. I am iffy about Cakewalk in these last itinerations. I haven't decided that one yet.
  13. Here is one I made with a mind to sound something like Tangerine Dream. I have noted a few things that I think are holding the track back. -Tempos in 2nd half are too fast to "mate up" with the intro - Intro takes quite awhile to develop. Fix- -Slow down tempos in second half, maybe add a few more elements. The idea is to keep a celtic feel even in the electronic sections. I think I half achieved this, but still more go do. - I'll leave the longer intro even though it is a bit 'extended'.
  14. I used loops for this, but am using my own guitars now trying to get out of my lazy synth rut.
  15. Thanks all. Ross I listened to some of your material. Great stuff!
  16. Tim Smith


    Sometimes simple and clean is best. Nice job on this.
  17. Tim Smith


    Coming across good here!
  18. Hey jack c. While I play guitar, I couldn't pull off these metal solos, so I used sampled guitars but I did a lof work on them using Amplitube 5 The vox and bass are mine though. Thanks!
  19. Nice work on this one Wookie.
  20. Took some getting used to but I liked it.😀
  21. Nice hook in this tune. MIx was pretty good.I enjoyed the listen. Still trying to get the lyrics in totality. I believe the main idea was you wish the world would be better or the world could be better. I could be wrong. If you wanted to share the deeper ideas behind this sometime I'm all ears. Thanks for sharing this Nigel! Tim,
  22. Thanks for comments on this! And for listening. Good to be back, even if only temporary.
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