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Tim Smith

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Everything posted by Tim Smith

  1. Excerllent vocals and placement in mix/song. Acoustics are warm with not too much bite. I think they sit well. Do you have the lyrics somewhere I can see all of it? Great work guys!
  2. Tim Smith


    I hear ya on this. I heard it in the release and wasn't sure how noticeable it would be. Thanks for your input. Any suggestions on what you might do to the bass? Thanks Nigel. I guess I should revisit the drums. Thank you Wookie! Jesse I'm all over the map lol. The solo was like you say kind of wobbley. No quantize and I guess it shows. Drifts back into place eventually. Thanks for listening and comments all.
  3. Great recording and the duo are very talented. The video is simple yet very effective and I think it fits well wityh this song.
  4. Tim Smith


    My most recent.
  5. Nice clean crisp mix. Original take on an old holiday. Kudos!
  6. Coming along nicely so far. I like the concept!
  7. Oh I remember wathing this before. The vid is kinda creepy. Excellent work on the music.
  8. Thanks Jeff for listening. I'll check those issues.
  9. This is a jazzed up version of an old Christmas hymn. Played and mixed by me.
  10. My deity is Jesus, but I hesitated to say it because they say no religion is allowed. When talking about the Christmas holiday, it's really hard to avoid, even though the holiday never originated from him per se. It's a pagan holiday that Christians also celebrate. We can thank the RCC for that. I am not RCC. The Jewish things are really more pivotal. I don't really see the holiday as a religious holiday, but it includes religion. How about Easter? Kids under 10 it's about the chocolate easter bunny. Sort of the same as veteran's day maybe. I appreciate the efforts of those who have fought for freedom, but I wonder how many people actually think about it when having those cookouts? Now Halloween....that one has extremes on both ends.
  11. You don't know? I like the title. I wish it was a reality. I get a week off next week which should be nice.
  12. I know this sounds like it's going to begin with a few very naturalistic thoughts and maybe it will. As I pondered this question I tried to tie some significance to it all. In the case of Christmas, well,,,,,,,it's really what we make it, given the true origins for the holiday it seems to have been a time of debauchery for the pagans. Back to WHY we have these things called holidays. I have found the true reasons we have these times are really much different than the way these days are sometimes represented. It is time off from work, an excuse to party, a time to put up decorations, acknowledgments of a diety, time for families to get together? Really over hundreds of years things haven't changed much. We rename the days to associate them with something else. If you believe things were made and someone is responsible for all of that as I do, this person probably isn't too awefully concerned about a party day amongst pagans or religious.
  13. Yeah that's the real truth about mine. I look kinda like hairless turtle...wait a minute I guess they don't commonly have hair. I fit right in. That too.
  14. Tim Smith


    Incredible soundscapes! Thanks for sharing!
  15. I will restrict to commenting on the musicality of the music which I think was very well done. You are a very talented group.
  16. Thanks @Leadfoot Thanks @Wookiee I need to pull that recipe on the drums and reuse it in other material maybe instead of dialing something new in each time. Hey, I had though about using a chewbaca as my pic. Would you feel that as a "wookie" that would be stepping on you? The reason i ask is because I use that pic on other forums.
  17. I would post my real pic but I'm so good looking I didn't want to sidetrack the forum.
  18. I think it works so well because it takes us that long to be mature enough to be married. My 1st wife and I went through some rocky times. Did my best to hold it together, but she was intent on pulling the plug so I stopped resisting and gave her what she wanted. Afterwards she felt remorse, but by then it was too late and I had moved on. Part of being married young is women haven't played the field and mine assumed she might do better. It took a divorce for her to learn that what she had was actually pretty good compared to what was out there 😁 Even 6 years seems a lot at an earlier age. When I was 18 she was only 12 and well, that's just weird, but when you get into those older years it begins to make sense if the spread isn't too extreme. I mean they don't want to marry their dad. It has worked for us for over 20 years and neither of us has any intention to end anything. My 1st wife married an ugly guy who never turned out to be much. Not that he is a bad guy, but she would have been better off with me 😁 On the synth, thanks! I guess I should post some more tunes over on the songs forum. Not after plays or attention at this stage, but I like to get honest reports on my work and some over there come up with some amazing material. I think I have a bunch of stuff I haven't posted.
  19. True story. When I met my wife online I was within a month of my birthday. She told me that if I had been a year older she would not have looked at me. She is 6 years younger than me and we are both now older than @Sander Verstraten In fact, my son is now the age I was when I met my 2nd wife. It's scary how fast time flies.
  20. I though you were a young dude lol. Man we gotta get you a girlfriend.😁 Hi Dave, I'm all over the place musically or depending on who you talk to I might not be anywhere musically. I usually like to do that sort of thing around Christmas. What I really wanted to do was use my Iron Guitars on this but I had some issues. I really like that track you posted. It has a nice feel to it. I'm getting more excited about O2 by the day! I guess my biggest concern was spending all of my time seaching for a sound. I imagine the meta data in O2 is pretty well set up. I will often go for a sound that I intend to change later and end up with what's there. Like the cheesy 90's horns in that track that are slighly off in timing. I used synth horns from Arturia because they seemed to fit that Manhiem Steamroller sort of feel. MS is really just old tech people still like, and for something like that I considered swapping it out with nicer horns, but if it works it works. And I'm the only judge of it, then it works. The human voices are very realistic in your track. Overall a nice mix of elements.
  21. Thanks. I guess even though this is an older package it's still pretty amazing. Thanks for this. Thanks @TheSteven. I sort of mish mashed a bunch of Arturia and IK synths together for this in an afternoon. I didn't spend a lot of time on it yet. There were some amazingly realistic bells in the Atruria synth collection. I will check that link out. I think LABS had some decent free jingle bells if i remember correctly. Maybe I'll use those in something else. Can't wait to get O2. I know I might need a month opff to check it out though.
  22. Yeah, I know about 10 years too late. It hasn't come yet as I ordered the usb drive hard box. I kept waiting for them to lower the price but I only managed to get 20.00 off plus a Christmas 15% discount at Musicianfriend. With tax it still wasn't inexpensive, but maybe for what it is, it's ok? As I understand it, it's great for movie tracks which really hasn't been a main forte of mine. Just always curious about what it really was aside from it having 14,000 sounds. I get sidetracked on 100 sounds. Looks like Skippy makes some nice stuff for it. I really hope it doesn't sit idle on my hard drive. Like so many things I had to see what it was about. I guess i'm wondering if those who have had it a long time ever really ended up using it. ...and if anyone needs a movie track composer. I'm loaded for bear now with this and all of the other stuff those capitalist pigs persuaded me to buy 🤣 I made another jazz track and realized it's almost Christmas. I guess I should load up a few of my sample libaries and look for some bells to come up with something. Everything has been done to death on Christmas...almost.
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