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Doug Steinschneider

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Everything posted by Doug Steinschneider

  1. Thanks - don't know why my AudioPluginDeals emails stopped - just installed it for a friend who needs instrument VST's - I already have it from group buy.
  2. I've gotten great value from my Reaper install. I use it for recording midi drums from an edrum kit and for tempo mapping using SWS extensions. Also use other LUA script stuff to solve issues. I'm not familiar enough yet with Cakewalk to know if it can do some of these things. I just bought a license for v7.
  3. I've been very happy with my AXE I/O Solo. The passive/active switch is worthwhile - I flip it depending on which bass I'm using. The Z-Tone knob is useful when switching between say a Strat and a Les Paul. It's my first inteface that has MIDI DIN in and out which I've been using with my eDRUMin so I can record from across the room while keeping the eDRUMin plugged in via USB to the laptop dedicated to the edrum setup. It sounds great on guitar and basses.
  4. I had seen Jim's content and completely forgot about him! Thanks for posting that.
  5. Thanks for the tip to use apply trimming - that is exactly what we were looking for!
  6. We imported 16 track Fostex E-16 recordings (16 .wav tracks of 30 minutes) into a Cakewalk project. When we cut a 3-4 minute songs into new projects it copies the original 30 minute .wav file for the tracks to the new project. Right now I'm just about to see if Audacity can split the tracks up into individual .wavs of 3-4 minutes. We played with different ripple settings and delete hole but it hasn't helped.
  7. I was surprised to discover (maybe I've been in the wrong sub-forums) that the Cakewalk forums for advice and support on the software itself are pretty sleepy and none of my questions have been answered. I've been spinning my wheels on a bunch of things that are simple to do in Reaper and Mixbus and decided I should engage a Cakewalk expert in a screen sharing session. Can anyone recommend someone? I chose Cakewalk for a friend's project studio based on it being low/no cost and mostly more user friendly than Reaper and Mixbus.
  8. I saw @Fleer mention he got big jam points from IK when buying iLoud equipment. That reminded me to ask if anyone has bought any of IK's near field monitors. I'm shopping now for a studio - the MTM's have generated interest. Has anyone bought them or the budget IK near fields?
  9. I click "No" to keep current settings every time. I would like to get rid of the prompt if that's possible.
  10. Thanks for heads up to watch for slow/fast and swell not recording. I'm spoiled by the insane midi flexibility of my performance VST host software Cantabile where you don't program the midi controllers (leave mostly default) and use routing/filtering capabilities of the software to control everything.
  11. I was surprised I couldn't add two midi input controllers for one track of B-3X. After searching the forums I didn't find a solution for recording my upper and lower Axiom 61's into B-3X. I happen to own Bome Midi Translator Pro - perhaps I need to use it to pass through Midi Channel 1 coming from the upper keyboard and Midi Channel 2 coming from the lower keyboard to the single instance of B3-X? Thanks in advance for advice on this.
  12. I still have minus 3 Jam Points - waiting for my interest statement 😃
  13. Bapu nailed it 😜
  14. I just cut back a bit on my plugin email marketing subscriptions but moved the shortcut to this forum to the number 2 spot on my favorites bar. 😀
  15. Longtime user of Cantabile here. The developer, Brad Robinson, is very responsive and interacts with the Cantabile user base regularly. He is constantly adding features requested by professional users. His focus is reliability followed by functionality. I like his approach to licensing, you can hang with the versions available during your first year indefinitely but renew the license (upgrade price) when you want newer features. I use the software on a pair of 2013 i5-3360 Lenovo laptops with 16GB RAM and 2 TB SSD and Behringer UMC202HD's. One station is used with a converted acoustic kit into an eDRUMin and Superior Drummer at 64 buffers. The other is for synths, Hammond, Rhodes and Wurli emulations. The software instills confidence.
  16. Agree on that but there are a few useful Velvet patches I use. Paying $10 so I don't have to shuffle the license around was worth it.
  17. We record 20 tracks of rehearsal into an SSD connected to our Soundcraft Ui24R digital mixer. It creates a wav for each track. We created one nice mix that works for each recording (EQ, levels, pan). I've been deleting the existing tracks and then pulling in the latest ones and then saving as with filename (date-song_title) for example "2023-06-19 - Done Somebody Wrong". This causes the tracks to be copied into the same Audio folder which is isn't optimal. How can I set preferences so when I "Save As" it creates a separate folder for the cwp file and the Audio? A second broader question is: I haven't investigated CWT files yet. Should I be doing the above (pulling replacement tracks into an EQ'd, leveled and panned project) another way? Thanks,
  18. I use Velvet which I originally bought for $9.99 Needed more licenses for Velvet so jumped on a bundle for same price that also include Hybrid 3 and MiniGrand: AIR - The Sounds of Summer Sale
  19. Here's my Axiom with knobs from Ocean Beach Digital (Dave Chesavage ) who used to make a drawbar add on for Nord keyboards.
  20. Great review, I'm surprised I never came across it - the demo you made for it is great! BTW, some people swear by inserting a saturator in between the organ and the Leslie to improve the growl.
  21. I closely follow the Hammond emulation "market". Recently UAD Waterfall has won praise for being very good for 70's style rock. I still use the original VB3 for some songs, I bought VB3-II and like it for jazz organ. I also bought Acousticsamples B-5, I've only used it for recording, it has a very realistic, "big" sound. B-3X seems to be the overall favorite. Like other IK products it can be CPU intensive, especially if you use the stomp pedals included with it.
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