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Everything posted by antler

  1. antler

    Joyful Memories

    Thanks for listening everyone - glad you all liked it. Hope you can and do recover from that, David. That about sums up my knowledge at the moment too. Thanks for planting the seed of an idea though - it may one day grow into something more.
  2. I like the classic rock vibe of this one - great production too. Good job!
  3. Great song there! Love the synth ear candy, and the saturation/distortion works really well.
  4. You've got some really creative stuff going on there, Jack. Love the synth ear-candy. Great work!
  5. Makes sense for the guy with (I'm guessing) the most plugins to do the mix 😁 Great job Ed!
  6. I like it - it's a good tune! To my ears, the percussion sounds a little quiet in the mix, so it might be an idea to bring that up a tiny bit. All else sounds good and clear though.
  7. Thanks for taking time to look, and for the compliment! I don't mean to OT your song thread, so I'll make this comment brief - more lately, I've been trying to learn to actually program some of the synths I have (synth-noob here). I'm planning to do an electronic/orchestral/chillout album thingy - that is, if I can commit myself to finishing it 😁
  8. Nice clean and balanced mix. You've got a good guitar counterpoint to the vocals going towards the end of the song. Well done!
  9. Another great collaboration - well done everyone! A well balanced mix with some awesome guitar work in there (the other instruments are awesome too). Who did the mix/mastering by the way? Just wondering as they're not mentioned in the list of names.
  10. antler

    Beat Loud

    Nice song - good beat and catchy!
  11. Love the song David. Lots of tension in there: pitch bends, tight chord clusters, low end growls. Very spooky.
  12. Wow - that was cool; well done everyone! As someone that enjoys symphonic metal (in addition to other genres too) I loved the overall sound of the mix, and the guitar solo. My only comment on the mix is that metal is usually compressed a tiny bit more, with a bit more emphasis on the low end. I realise that it's quite nice to not overly squash the mix though.
  13. antler

    8DIO Soundpaint

    I wanted to ask support a question about SoundPaint, but didn't get the chat pop-up on the SoundPaint website, so I asked it on the 8dio chat instead; the support agent said (and I paraphrase): Hi there, let me transfer you to a SoundPaint support agent. So yes - it does look that way. Maybe Spectrasonics; and I've never seen Serum on sale, but not sure if any of Xfer's other products have been on sale. Yes - it's nice to know I can pick them up a bit later after Black Friday.
  14. The best way to pick up their libraries - buy 3 at (I assume) the cheapest price of the year, and get another for free!
  15. Last I heard (but I haven't been following very closely), you can bypass the minimum requirements if you install from an ISO - Windows will operate in an 'unsupported' mode; you might or might not get Windows updates though (which some people may or may not consider to be a good thing). I might be wrong, but I think I saw Windows 11 on the computer behind Simeon in one of his videos. I've seen a few posts on this forum from people that say they've quite happily upgraded to W11 too. I'm not trying to persuade or dissuade anyone on upgrading; just saying that some people have done so.
  16. Just got an email saying that this is the final weekend for this year's Annual Sale. If anyone is still thinking about picking something up, don't disregard their older libraries as they're pretty cool too - here's a quick tune I did using Fluid Harmonics and Shimmer Shake Strike (for percussion, naturally).
  17. antler

    Joyful Memories

    A quick tune I made using only In Session Audio's Fluid Harmonics and Shimmer Shake Strike libraries. Hope you enjoy! Comments/feedback welcome.
  18. At least the voucher is true to its description: Any Plugin $29.99 😜
  19. antler

    8DIO Soundpaint

    That seems to be the way Valhalla and Spectrasonics (Sonic Extensions) did it.
  20. antler

    8DIO Soundpaint

    I think it means the price never goes down. I noticed there's an 'all' bundle that offers a $10 discount over buying the modules individually. I asked support whether there was an upgrade path for new modules as they are released if you buy that bundle. I interpreted the answer to be the price will never change - probably a reaction to some of 8Dio's Kontakt libraries going on a discount, and people expressing discontent that they paid more.
  21. Makes sense - clearing out old physical stock to make room for the new. I'll probably wait for their next summer of sound to upgrade though.
  22. antler

    Can You Imagine

    A captivating rhythm and melodic hook - I enjoyed that.
  23. Cool tune - got a nice jazzy feel to it.
  24. A fresh and unique scoring toolkit, bringing together a vast collection of different playable world instruments, orchestral strings, synthesizers, percussion ensembles and voices all geared towards creating out of this world soundscapes for film, TV and videogames. Intro Price € 129.00 (Normal Retail price € 199.00) ends November 19th. https://www.strezov-sampling.com/products/view/sambhala.html
  25. Nice upbeat song, Paul! Love the supporting guitar phrases.
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