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Posts posted by craigb

  1. 8 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    I'm getting too many "VIdeos Unavailable" from Wibbles and others. I'm missing some good music. If you also post the name I can google the ones that don't work here.

    What I've been doing is right-clicking on the unavailable video to get the URL, then pasting it into a new tab so YouBoob will come up and tell me what is what trying to play.

  2. Never had to deal with nuns, but I once had a substitute teacher slam a ruler onto my desk in 6th grade.  My instinctive reaction resulted with him now having two pieces of ruler and me heading to the Principal's office where I was "scolded" with the 'ol wink and a nudge and a whispered "Good job!"

    As if mixed signals weren't confusing enough for a kid!

  3. @Wibbles  Ultramarine reminds me a lot of the Orb (hmm...  Ultraworld, Ultramarine...  Coincidence?).

    Unfortunately, except for a few of their songs being used on compilation albums, I don't have any of their albums (and they appear to be quite hard to find!).

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