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Resonant Serpent

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Everything posted by Resonant Serpent

  1. It seems that the plugs and items I need won't install unless I have Sonar Platinum on the comp. Right now, I just have the latest version of Cakewalk Bandlab installed. Can I just install Sonar Platinum, or will it overwrite files from Cakewalk Bandlab? Should I install Sonar, then install Cakewalk again?
  2. Thank you. Chrome was blocking the download with no popup, so I thought the site was broken. Right-clicked the button and I still had to tell Chrome that it was a legitimate download. Was able to grab it.
  3. I tried to download it from the old site, but no luck. I'm trying to install the Concrete Limiter for the Pro Channel, but keep getting an error and it won't install. After doing research on the forum, it seems that it will only install with the CCC. Everything else installs just fine with installers downloaded from my account. Anyone know a workaround?
  4. Thanks for the help. I tried unchecking the box, and nothing changed. Discord still frozen. So... I left it unchecked and changed the order in which the programs start. I originally have Discord set up to start with my computer. If I start Cakewalk first, then start Discord, I can use both of them just fine with ASIO drivers. Problem solved! Been using Studio One, Cubase, and Ableton a lot over the last six years. Really excited to get back into the world of Cakewalk. Used it for decades from Pro Audio 5 up to the Gibson collapse. From what I've seen so far, Cakewalk is incredibly stable. Impressed!
  5. ASIO works on all other programs. Never used WASAPI drivers. I'll check them out, but prefer to go with the tried and true.
  6. I have "Suspend Audio Engine When Cakewalk Is Not In Focus" checked, but Cakewalk still won't allow Discord to run in the background. All other DAWs I use don't have this problem. Discord runs just fine, and I can use both and hear both no problem. As soon as I start Cakewalk, Discord won't allow any sound in or out. Is there something I'm missing?
  7. 1. Don't run a wireless internet connection on a DAW. Only use wired connections. 2. Make sure your USB Selective Suspend is turned off. https://www.istime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USB-Suspended-Power-Change.pdf 3. The High Definition Audio Driver should be set to disabled. It seems to interfere in the operation of several DAW programs.
  8. Does the Softube Console integrate well with Cakewalk?
  9. Yes. Thank you. If you don't install core first, it crashes 100% of the time. I figured it out and got things up and running. There should be some kind of warning, or you should only get to check the boxes for the addons after the core program is installed.
  10. I've tried installing twice on a brand new fully updated Windows 10 computer, and Bandlab Assistant crashes every time. Is it possible to just download what I need where I can see the physical files and install it myself? For something as critical as downloading/installation, having a 1/4 just flashing with no other feedback is woefully inadequate.
  11. I wish this could be put on Amazon's print to order service. I really hate ebooks. Much prefer a physical copy.
  12. That's what I was worried about. I could go ahead and install, but then end up where a critical function wouldn't work. So far, Windows 10 is great. I installed it a couple of years ago on this same computer, and it was a nightmare. Right now, it's running better than Windows 7, and I never thought I'd say that with my previous experience.
  13. Thanks for the info Scook. I solved my dilemma. It's still free to upgrade Windows 7, so I took the entire computer to Windows 10 and was able to install the latest version with no problem. It scanned my plugs and I was off and working.
  14. Yes. I'm aware that Windows 7 is outdated. But, I don't remember seeing a warning that Windows 7 support would be dropped. This should have at least warranted an email, right? Can anyone tell me what the last version is that works with Windows 7 and how to update to that version? I tried to update to the latest and I get a warning that it's not supported.
  15. Like it says on the tin. Is there any way to use a pitch envelope audio clips/samples built into Cakewalk? An example would be having a sample that starts out with it's normal imported pitch, but descends in pitch to an octave below by the time the audio sample finishes.
  16. It sounds like rocket science compared to the last two decades of top ten in America.
  17. Looks awesome! What does "Please be aware that any new strings introduced in this build have not yet been localized. " mean? Looking forward to putting this update through the paces.
  18. I still haven't paid for an Mp3. I only buy physical media. If you're only holding a license for a song, such as iTunes, etc., then you can't pass it on. When you die, they delete your account. Same goes for digital book libraries. Also, looking at album covers while you listen is awesome.
  19. A ton of effects in the Reaktor library, and all the goodies that come with it too. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/effect/all/all/all/all/latest/1/all/
  20. The last documentary I watched was The Godfathers of Hardcore about Agnostic Front. There's no free copy that I could find, but watched it on Showtime. Great film about those of us in the more extreme scenes, and what it means to get older doing what you love. https://www.sho.com/titles/3462368/agnostic-front-the-godfathers-of-hardcore Until the Light Takes Us is one of the best documentaries on black metal, and shows how people outside the scene ride the coat tails to exploit without understanding anything about it. Beautiful film in many places. Sam Dunn has a degree in anthropology, and loves heavy metal. He made a documentary about the lineage, influences, and the current state of the scene: Sam Dunn then did a tv show with each episode dedicated to specific branch of heavy metal. Here's the one for extreme metal: Heavy Metal in Baghdad is the story of guys working on their band in the middle of a war: Released in three parts, One Man Metal focuses on three bands: Xasthur, Leviathan, and Striborg, where one person plays all the instruments in their projects. For all three, it was the first time the public actually had the chance to see what they looked like. One of my favorites.
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