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Mark Bastable

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Posts posted by Mark Bastable

  1. I have a simple time-keeping midi drum track routed to MTPower drums.

    I set it to a level in order to hear it as I overdub a guitar part, but as soon as I start playing guitar in record mode, the drums get quieter. It happens on playback too - the drums are loud until the guitar comes in, when they immediately drop behind it.

    This kinda suggests that there's some kind of limit on the Master, but if there is, I don't know how I've done it. And the meter on the Master doesn't seem to be peaking too high.

    What am I missing?

  2. I suspect there's a very simple answer to this . Forgive me - I'm at the start of a journey here.

    I create a midi drum track - well, two - by dragging the instrument across and specifying the two tracks - that is, the midi and the instrument. I rename them for clarity. I send the midi track to a drum map.  I spend a few minutes figuring out why I can't hear anything. I get there. And I'm ready to go. 

    But I have to do that every time. Is there a way to save that set up so that whenever I open an MPower drum track, that's what I get as a default?


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