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Jesse Miller

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Posts posted by Jesse Miller

  1. 48 minutes ago, John Vere said:

    Storage is cheap. You can get a 2 TB External drive for $100. No need to zip. I have 3 of them as well as my Daw pc has a 1TB drive for most of my CWP files. 

    I already have an external drive just for that purpose.  It died on me last summer, which is why I was moving to cloud storage.  😛

  2. 4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    If this same a bundle file make sure that you can open it successfully from the bundle.

    Any file can get corrupted on disk and since a bundle is a single file there is a risk of the entire file getting corrupted. Hence the recommendation you save both the bundle and the actually project file with it's audio.

    Yep, I did that, and the bundle was opened correctly and the project is what it is.  Thanks!


    That makes sense about the cwp.  I suppose I never thought about making a zip folder of a cwp, I never gave it that much thought.   Perhaps I'll buy a handful of flashdrives and have a backup of my Google Drive backups, all zipped files of the project files. 

  3. Hello folks, thanks for the prompt replies!  As @scook suggested, changing the file extension back to .cwb worked perfectly, and SONAR opens it perfectly.  Thanks so much!


    As a side note, I am obviously a completely new poster here, and I am thus unaware of any cringe-worthiness of the Cakewalk bundles as your forum mythos or etiquette.  FWIW, I have been using SONAR since 2004 (starting with version 2.2) and currently run SONAR PRO (have not upgraded to Bandlab, sorry [not sorry]).  I've always felt Bundle files were absolutely fine for archival purposes as well as a mental signifier that says "OK, this track is complete.  I can be done now."  Project files are for something you are currently working on.  Knowwhatimean?  This has been the only problem I've had with a bundle, aside from a damaged CD-R that made the bundle data file corrupted. 


    To each their own, I suppose.  Regardless, thanks.  Someone needs to tell Google Drive to get their sh!t together! 

  4. Hey there.  I have been in the process of uploading all of my SONAR bundles onto my Google Drive for a secure cloud backup, and I just noticed that Google drive thinks the .cwb files are all .wav files.  You can play the file like a wav, and when you download the file, it is a wav, all of the audio data strung into one long audio file!


    Anyone know how to stop this or get my cwb bundles back???

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