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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2023 in all areas

  1. https://audioplugin.deals/product/wurly-model-120-by-ik-multimedia/ Introducing the WURLY MODEL 120, a portable electric piano by IK Multimedia. WURLY MODEL 120 is based on the Wurlitzer Model 120 portable electric piano from the 1950s, one of the earliest electric pianos to find its way into the pop music charts. Wurlitzer electric pianos use hammers striking a metal reed and electromagnetic pickups for their distinctive tone. Ray Charles used the Model 120 to great effect on the songs, “What I’d Say” and “Unchain My Heart.” Usually 49$
    8 points
  2. Go to their website and you should get a pop up to sign up for their Black Friday sales emails and they will give you a license for EXOVERB MICRO for free Become a Black Friday VIP Sign up, claim a free EXOVERB MICRO and get early access to upcoming Black Friday deals! First name Email* Fields of interest* Spatializer Monitoring Interactive Reverb & Tone I agree to receive emails from Dear Reality https://www.dear-reality.com/products/exoverb-micro
    7 points
  3. https://waldorfmusic.com/largo-2/ Waldorf Largo 2 is available now for an introductory price of 99€ incl. VAT (reg. 162€). Existing Largo 1 users can upgrade for 29,99€ incl. VAT (reg. 39,99€). This offer is valid until the end of November 2023.
    5 points
  4. I've often found that people who have less of everything are more generous than those who have more of everything. That has to be right.
    4 points
  5. Back in the day every producer, engineer & artist was trying to the cleanest, punchiest tracks they could and it was a constant battle. 2" 24 track machines gave you more tracks but with the narrower tracks you had more crosstalk, higher noise floor & less dynamics. 2" 16 track was considered to be audiowise superior but for more tracks it was a sacrifice most people were willing to make. Once 30ips tape machines became available (which had a lower noise floor and better dynamics) - people didn't record at 15ips because they loved the sound they did it because magnetic tape was expensive and they had tight budgets. Some producers would even mix on 1/2" 2 track (30ips) because the wider tracks had less tape noise & better dynamics than 1/4". In the '80 I worked at the only studio in Southern California that had a 2" multitrack (Ampex MM1000 16 track) that could run at 7 1/2 ips. That speed was utter total garbage but the studio owner loved it because anyone who used it could never go to any other studio to work on their project. IMHO while there are some artistic uses of clipping/ saturation/ distortion /tape emulation, etc. most of the hype is snake oil - misrepresenting the efforts and technology of the past to push plugin sales. If this was the food industry they'd be advertising: "Now days, food has lost its flavor. Everything is too clean and sanitary. Bring back that vintage taste of farm cuisine! Just add a touch of Farm Magic! A delicious blend of vintage ingredients (American soil, excessive salt and sugar, that touch of cow, hog, & chicken excrement that granny couldn't remove because her house lacked running water, plus minute quantities of lead from buckshot and paint chips). Farm Magic brings back that taste of great grandma's cooking where it took her half the day and she still sometimes scorched half the meal on her wood burning stove. Yum Yum! Use it on every dish!"
    4 points
  6. I never really think of Hornet for their reverbs, but I actually had lots of fun with their recent giveaway one. I have no need for this, but I might still pick it up when it drops down to a few dollars with one of their extra discounted sales 🙂 A lot of plugin developers lately are setting some absurdly high prices, so I love supporting the little guys who provide reasonable and fair prices and don't make my life hard as a paying customer with stupid copy protection applications and hoops to jump through. Hornet wins there easily.
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. A dark corruption scandal in the heart of the New York City's underworld for charismatic detective John Blacksad! Make use of your feline senses and conduct the investigation in your own way. Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11), Mac OS X (10.11+) https://www.gog.com/#giveaway (offer ends in less than 48 hours) edit: they are having troubles with the box loading to actually claim the game. If this is happening for you, click the link below while on the giveaway page and it should add the game to your collection. Just check email and your Games page to make sure it added it. https://www.gog.com/giveaway/claim
    3 points
  9. It’s a plugin that pushes SMS notifications to a readout in your DAW.
    3 points
  10. I used Cakewalk products for over 20 years, and like you I downloaded Reaper a few times, but it didn't take, until I finally realized I had to forget how I did things in Sonar, and really learn how to use Reaper. If you want to feel at home, download the Echolot Theme that makes Reaper look like Cakewalk:
    3 points
  11. Some things need not even be addressed. Care to embarrass yourself some more, Mr. Simmons?
    3 points
  12. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BP1W--boss-bp-1w-boost-overdrive-and-preamp-effects-pedal https://www.musicradar.com/news/boss-has-delivered-the-re-201-space-echo-and-boss-ce-1-chorus-ensemble-preamps-in-a-single-pedal-for-the-bp-1w-booster "From the clear and chimey preamp tone of a vintage BOSS CE-1 to the darker, vibe-filled richness of the Roland RE-201’s preamp section, the BP-1W captures some of the coveted sounds in the BOSS catalogue," boasts the company. The Boss BP-1W is $169.99 / £155 / €179.99
    3 points
  13. Dust > Dirt. Alice In Chains - Dirt:
    3 points
  14. Yes, no different sonically, it's just that Cubase users on Mac already can't use VST2 any more with the latest version I believe and Steinberg is dropping support potentially in Cubase 13 for PC which is just to be released, although hopefully it won't be until 14 next year. Many other DAWs will follow for sure. That means for anyone that uses the plugin in projects now, the VST2 version will no longer open if someone upgrades their DAW. That's why I never would've bought this plugin, but as a freebie it's great and I'm likely to pay for the upgrade to the new version when it's released. (After the Audient freebie and now this giveaway, my hunch is its imminent and at Black Friday at the latest)
    3 points
  15. In fact you CAN save the folder and the instrument tracks inside as a whole track template (sort of a super-track-template...!): Select all tracks in the folder. Right click on any track belonging to the folder. Select Save as Track Template. The saved track template will be comprised of the folder and all subfolders and tracks+buses belonging to this tracks, and all of it will be retrieved when importing this super track template into your project #2. Very cool! (...I have a super track template that comprises a full symphonic orchestra (folder-subfolders-track-buses .... all of it)
    3 points
  16. https://nnaud.io/plugins/cowboy-harp-free-jaw-harp-plugin From the website: A Tribute To The Twangy Melodies Of A Bygone Era Whether you’re a composer working on the score for a gritty gunfight, a nostalgic saloon scene, or simply yearning to infuse your music with the authentic spirit of the Wild West, the “Cowboy Harp” audio plugin is your trusty sidearm. Its twangy notes transport you back to a time of duels and dust-covered trails, of pioneers and bandits, ensuring your music captures the heart of the Old West. Lasso your creativity and let it roam freely across the sun-drenched plains and rugged canyons of yesteryear with the “Cowboy Harp.”
    2 points
  17. I suspect it is one of the recycled Soundspot abominations.
    2 points
  18. That's very cool. Lately I've been enjoying the new ReaperTips Theme: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=281644
    2 points
  19. If you go a similar route (as I've done; I only used Cakewalk since 2020, but have been testing out Reaper for a few months), the Echolot_FTC mod is even a little slicker, I think: https://forums.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=2546076
    2 points
  20. Just remember that Sample Rate relates to frequency response and Bit Depth relates to dynamic range. Which one matters the most to you? Most professionals and streaming/distribution services start from and derive their content from 48k/24b, so that is now the defacto standard. CD quality at 44.1k/16b is now passe.
    2 points
  21. Genuine Soundware has just launched VB#-II 2023 edition. It is a free update for current VB3-II users and also includes the companion iOS version (still in progress). More info here: https://www.genuinesoundware.com/?a=showproduct&b=44 Check out my Joyful Journey here:
    2 points
  22. Bass players need to find a way to breed with women. If they don't . They will soon become extinct . Kenny
    2 points
  23. Note that Waldorf 1 is around $24 at AudioPluginDeals with the 20% coupon (TREAT20)!
    2 points
  24. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/10/27/organic-instruments-elemental-player/ https://organic-instruments.com/elemental-player/ Organic Instruments announced the FREE Elemental Player for macOS and Windows – a free virtual instrument player from Organic Instruments, available from November 1st, 2023. The Free player allows you to play any instruments created in Elemental Studio, also available November 1st, 2023. Elemental Player is available in AU, VST3, AAX, and Standalone formats for macOS (10.13 upwards) and Windows. Includes iLok License Manager (Elemental Player doesn’t require a license, but Organic Instruments uses the iLok Licensing system to protect paid products).
    2 points
  25. Ditto that. He's a valuable contributor and resource.
    2 points
  26. I don't believe any other DAW can match its performance. I've had one crash in six years, and that was because of a faulty plugin.
    2 points
  27. So I got this when it was available through the "Free with any purchase" at Plugin Boutique. It was unusable performance-wise so I immediatly uninstalled it (they pushed an update recently that tackled performance, so maybe this is better by now). I now have one activation left before I have to contact support as they only make 2 activations available. You can not deauthorize it yourself, you have to contact support.... How difficult can it be for developers to add a deauthorize button in the plugin? Let me just do it.
    2 points
  28. Looks like you can still get the Waldorf for $19.99 but this time with an additional 20% off… https://audioplugin.deals/product/ppg-wave-3-v-by-waldorf/
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. https://www.korg.co.uk/products/keystage https://www.musicradar.com/news/korg-announces-keystage-its-first-midi-20-keyboard-controller-with-polyphonic-aftertouch-audio-out-and-official-integration-with-abelton-live Coming in both 49 and 61 key variants, the controller is equipped with a semi-weighted keybed that can muster polyphonic and channel aftertouch as well as MPE, which has been developed with Ashun Sound Machines of Hydrasynth fame. Prices start at £499 for the 41-key version and £599 for the larger 61-key edition. Both aren't on sale just yet, we'll have more on that soon and we're hoping that a fully-weighted 88-key version is in the works, too.
    2 points
  31. It seems to me that there are people who must get up every day and then actively look for something to be offended by. Consider it a compliment if those people think that you are not welcome in their world. Oh, and IBTL.
    2 points
  32. Paulo asks........ Will there be an episode featuring the Bapu bot ?
    2 points
  33. Regardless of which view you do it in, the entire track/clip has to be selected first. Select by Filter operates on whatever is selected. If nothing is selected, there's nothing to filter.
    2 points
  34. https://sonoracinematic.com/products/amber-free-edition-by-swishswoosh
    2 points
  35. Posted already https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/68046-sonora-cinematic-little-amber-free-edition-by-swishswoosh-for-kontakt-player/
    2 points
  36. Code: HALLOWEEN23 https://d16.pl/shop
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. FL Studio will still have free lifetime updates. The FL Cloud is a separate integrated service and will still have free sounds even without a subscription. It's no different than Loopcloud or other services. You don't have to to use it if you don't want to. People who make the loops still need to get paid. I think what they have done is very fair as I have never had to pay for an update in the five plus years I have owned FL Studio (even though I mainly use Cubase).
    2 points
  39. Well VST2 is set to no longer be supported by the company that developed the format so others could follow. It does have some other advantages such as the ability to not waste cpu when. Signal isn't passing through it.
    2 points
  40. Most of the early releases rarely work in Bandlab yet he works on getting it right.
    2 points
  41. Nowadays everything is about distortion and saturation! In the 80s our aim was as little distortion as possible (except for guitar sounds)! 😄
    2 points
  42. Blue Oyster Cult - Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll
    2 points
  43. I'm about one hour early (schedules, you see), but this week the free games on Epic Games are be Tandem: A Tale Of Shadows and The Evil Within 2. Tandem : A Tale of Shadows: "...redefines the puzzle platformer genre with a unique gameplay and exceptional aesthetics. Help Emma and the teddy bear Fenton solve the mystery of the disappearance of the famous magician Thomas Kane." The Evil Within 2: "Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost everything, including his daughter, Lily. To save her, he must descend into the nightmarish world of STEM. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner, and he must rely on his wits to survive. For his one chance at redemption, the only way out is in." The games are free until November 2, 2023. Tandem: A Tale of Shadows gameplay video: The Evil Within 2 gameplay video:
    2 points
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