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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Since Larry hasn't posted in a long time and may not return, I thought I'd share the Facebook group that Larry and I are in where he got many of his deal posts from. Even then, Larry had discount codes that these posts often don't have. <Sigh.> If you're out there Larry and see this, it is definitely NOT a replacement for you, just a valuable resource for our fellow deal loving friends. https://www.facebook.com/groups/plugindeals/?ref=share
    7 points
  2. Thanks for sharing our groups and lists. I hope Larry is ok. ❤️ The Plugin Reseller Price Check only went live yesterday so that got out quickly! It is intended as a complement to the ULTIMATE Plugin Deals List, which has all the deals direct from devs and some resellers from a different database. The price check is still in beta and there are some duplicate entries to clean up and one whole reseller left to connect up but all the code behind it seems solid... only took three months working with two very skilled coders to get here. Now the backbone is there we will start looking at adding more useful features to this tool. I'll do an official post when I feel we can stop calling it "beta". 🙂 PS. We also have a fairly new Plugin Deals Subreddit as a mirror of the FB group for people who don't like FB. It's pretty comprehensive. 😁
    6 points
  3. I am also a member of Stu's facebook group and it is a great resource as are the reddit lists and even KVR's Bargain Center, but I much prefer the format and the community of this forum. I like that each deal gets its own topic . It makes it much easier for me to skip the discussion of deals for which I have no interest. The community here, on the whole, is much more civil and the ratio of "this software sucks" comments to actual useful information is far higher. And even though Larry post occasionally to KVR and th FB deals group, none of them have the Larry we know and love.
    5 points
  4. Save money on the absolutely immediately undeniably incredible essential impressively immersive** plugin for the DAW that (most of you) probably aren't using! **all words/phrasing from the announcement webpage and video. It's the PSP auralControl AAX plugin for ProTools only! Looks like it's not a channel strip - it's a multichannel strip!!! ooow, ahhh! Maybe it will turn out to be the coolest thing since Kool-Aid but I'll have to wait for the VST version to experience the wonder for myself.
    4 points
  5. It was rather harsh wasn't it. However, I still stand by my words. Muze is well known for its sloppy sampling and bloat. 75 GB for mediocre instruments is just not worth the hard disk space when there are far better instruments out there.
    4 points
  6. I've offered to bury the hatchet multiple times, funny you now play it this way in public when someone else notices you have some beef with IK/me. I accept PMs here, I get them all the time. You know how to reach me via the multiple other ways I've tried to communicate in the past if they're not working here. That aside, this is clogging the thread and I apologize. I would love to see Larry back but I also know that he has every right to take a break if he felt things were a bit toxic even if to some of us it might read differently or whatever, I can see why he felt a bit overwhelmed/frustrated/whatever about those posts. I also recommend breaks from Facebook but if he's flourishing there and that works for him, power to Larry for that. I always enjoyed communicating with him (including via PM) here.
    4 points
  7. Larry's fine. He's very prolifically posting on Facebook. He's just not posting here lately and he was pretty much responsible for the vast majority of threads here. Hopefully, it's just a vacation that he'll return from.
    4 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Also https://www.reddit.com/r/AudioProductionDeals/ Though nothing compares to right here when Larry is around. Happy deal searching!
    3 points
  10. This is certainly proof: They get it. Plug-ins as Pokemon cards. I'm subject to this too. Maybe it's a "spectrum" thing? This. When it comes to mixing FX, I agree. There are new ones that feature "AI," ones that analyze a track and put an instant results whammy on it, but for compressors, limiters, clippers, transient shapers, de-essers, EQ's, console emulators, saturators, delays, modulation FX, analyzers....they've been done to death. Everything in this area that comes out touts "analog mojo" or another faithful emulation of an old piece of hardware. I'm not down on people who get stoked about these types of FX. If someone wants every possible flavor at their fingertips and can remember how to use them, that's beyond my capabilities. If you read my post from when I built my new DAW system....I got rid of hundreds of mixing plug-ins. Keepers: all my Meldaproduction stuff, the kHs freebie snap-ins, elysia and Lindell, some other PA odds and ends, some bx stuff, all T-Racks, all iZotope Exponential Audio reverbs. Still a pretty deep bench. The only new FX that pique my interest at this point are the wacko sound design-y ones like Unfiltered Audio, Glitchmachines, Freakshow Industries, Valhalla, Venom and Sphere from W.A. Rhythmic filters and glitchers like Stutter Edit. Objeq Delay, Sigmund. Also spatial FX. I want to do 3-D sounds a la Telefon Tel Aviv and Tipper. Now when I open Cakewalk's plug-in browser, it's a relief not to see all the mixing FX that didn't make the cut. I felt some weird responsibility to "give them a chance." Maybe it'll be magic on some track. No, it's just another damn EQ, it cuts and boosts frequencies. I'll try to get good at using the handful I kept. My poor brain can't keep track of too many mixing FX. That said, if you're into sound design and can dig a modular workflow, BYOME and TRIAD by Unfiltered Audio are must-haves at $25. G8 is also the best gate on the market, although the version you get in the CM bundle has about 90% of the functionality of the PA version. There's nothing in the current PA catalog I'll want until the next Unfiltered Audio thingamabob.
    3 points
  11. Branching off the above, it's quite overwhelming, but good 🤤 https://plugindeals.net/plugin-reseller-price-check/ https://www.audiopluginguy.com/deals/
    3 points
  12. Just picked this up, and looking forward to exploring.
    3 points
  13. Cherry Audio CA2600 Synthesizer ($15 @ AudioDeluxe - RRP $39.00) Also get AudioThing -Things Texture (Free) https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/virtual-instruments/cherry-audio-ca2600-synthesizer
    2 points
  14. https://audioplugin.deals/muze-acoustic-bundle/ The last time this bundle was on sale @Doug Rintoul had this to say about it:
    2 points
  15. Maybe that is what scared Larry away. I miss Larry's engagement on this forum too.
    2 points
  16. At this point, only a complete newbie wouldn't know that. And the newbie would find out after a few minutes of checking out threads here! You call Larry the king, I prefer "the boss," but either way, I think it's very clear that you and I -- and many others miss him. Not just his deals, but his presence. Hopefully, in time, he'll return, see how people missed him and realize that he's extremely loved and appreciated by 99% of the folks here.
    2 points
  17. FWIW - I've fixed the issue for the next release. The tempo track envelope will now be excluded as part of the envelope selection unless you're specifically editing in the tempo track.
    2 points
  18. Thanks for the heads-up - that's quite some negative feedback though!
    2 points
  19. Very sorry to hear this, man. I do hope you keep pushing and find it in you to post those songs. But I completely understand the struggle with vocals.
    2 points
  20. SynthMaster 3 update from Bulent, the KV331 SynthMaster developer: "I'm still in the process of new algorithm development: 1. Direct disk streaming (done) 2. Pitch detection/spectral analysis/spectral envelope extraction (in progress, monophonic pitch detection is almost working) 3. Granular synthesis (in progress, hoping to finish at the end of August) Thank you for your patience guys. SynthMaster 3 will be a huge step forward for us, when it is done. But I'm still at the beginning of the development cycle. Hopefuly 1st quarter of 2023 we'll have an alpha/beta."
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Here is a 'two for ya' The first one is when he was younger. The first song on that clip gets it going, but the second song is really where he shines. That second video shows how Buddy really matured. Much more relaxed but still got that fire!!
    2 points
  23. I've learned a lot about mixing because I was able to get mixing chain plugins inexpensively (or free) and experiment with them. Mixing is a science/art I find fascinating but I prefer to play instruments with my limited time so I gravitate towards "black box" plugins that can quickly get me mostly there. I confess that following the deals here and collecting what I can on the cheap has been a lot of fun and once in a while a plugin just works for me - Sunset Reverb, Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor are examples. @Starship Krupa - I'm curious what you did to mod your RA-100? I use that amp for mixing.
    1 point
  24. Turn everything else down around it and then use the volume knob on your interface.
    1 point
  25. I don’t use midi volume. I use either the volume control of the instruments GUI or the instrument track Gain. My volume sliders stay at unity unless the track gets automated. Things are always plenty loud and most times it’s a matter of turning track gain down so they are around-10db to -6db.
    1 point
  26. Buying all those cheap libraries has taught me why I should invest in a bit more expensive ones instead. Though it still amuses me how people sometimes say things like "that [$50] library is mediocre at best, I personally prefer this [$1500] library" as if money didn't matter at all.
    1 point
  27. This is working as expected in the latest release for me. The time ruler selection only happens if the track is sticky-selected rather than just focused. But either way works as described in the parent track without having to open the automation lane. I don't know why it's not working in your original video clip. Can your reproduce it in a new, basic project?
    1 point
  28. Dire Straits - You and your friend:
    1 point
  29. Absolutely! Intentionally stepping through any process can provide a valuable hands-on learning experience whether one records the steps in a video, writes the steps down on paper or in a simple text document, makes mental notes during the process, or even just checks off the steps on a list.
    1 point
  30. While we are the subject ... loosely related
    1 point
  31. I had a brand new one that I used for the OS drive. Same make and model.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. For silliness purposes, I used the same data with a 20 second reverb: It behaves pretty much as expected.
    1 point
  34. Reverb level goes up and down: Send set to Pre for comparison: I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, so I've done it two different ways, but in both cases, the reverb dies within 2.3 seconds:
    1 point
  35. +1 for Creative Sauce - Mike is a superb tutor and a top man all round. There is also a Creative Sauce - CbB Facebook group where you will find help to complement the excellent advice offered here.
    1 point
  36. I just moved to 10 some months back. Personally, I would let other people work out the bugs and jump in later. I barely have time for the music I want to do, much less time to get things working after a big upgrade. What advantage would 11 bring? Do you have better audio drivers or something in 11?
    1 point
  37. Sounds like a great question for Monty Python. Vikings have wah pedals?!! ... @pseudopop ya, knew what you meant, totally down with exploring unique combinations for something different. A strong "acoustic" core for a sound is a good place to start. The demos for this erhu sounded richer than the typical one dimensional token instruments you might find in a world Instrument collection.
    1 point
  38. +1 for Cactus Studio tutorials, also CBBTV and Creative Sauce - all very knowledgeable (and talented) folks who produce really helpful videos. Welcome to Bandlab btw - the learning curve is worth it. Andy
    1 point
  39. Nice track Keith, enjoyed it. I do agree about the forward drums, just a little bit though.
    1 point
  40. Fender Amps are great, put a sure 57 or 58 on that and it would sound pretty good through Cakewalk. I have a Fender Mustang GT and I can download every amp fender ever made, and it sounds great. Cost me a little over $300. and a Rumble for my Bass. Both amps plug right into my DAW.. My brother died last year and it got me back into writing songs, if I can ever bring my vocals up to snuff I'll post some of my songs so you can hear my Amps working.
    1 point
  41. I vote for this as well. I’ve tried a few times and always hit a brick wall with something that you think should be easy but isn’t.
    1 point
  42. 👍's 👏 Another good one! Great breakdown going into the final chorus. t
    1 point
  43. Two excellent points, Mark. I hope the bakers are paying attention.
    1 point
  44. I think the problem is that you haven't got a project loaded. All controls in the Control Bar are disabled until a project is created or loaded, but they will light up once you've done that. How much is of course depending on the theme.
    1 point
  45. I agree that adoption will have a huge uptake once this happens. For me, doing my 90's ambient stuff, I really look forward to being able to more easily load and trigger dialog samples and glitch accents. Little Fluffy Clouds, bay-bee. The way I do it now is by using clips in an audio track, but that has its drawbacks. A real sampler with editing, looping, and reversing would be sweet. I'm sure that an integrated sampler is in the pipeline. Big new features like that take time, and we want it done right, right?
    1 point
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