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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2022 in all areas

  1. IK Multimedia's Comprexxor (Part of T-RackS) is available free as a giveaway Short survey to answer https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=13114
    17 points
  2. My one and only collab with Lars
    6 points
  3. This, exactly. To be Larry's friend in this space is to allow and expect him to drop out as he pleases, for whatever reasons, just as we all get to do. And I'd go just a bit further, asking hey is there a psychological downside to hunting and posting deals all day? Not for me to say what floats another's boat, but that's a whole lot of time spent wrapped in a cyberscape, isn't it? I know for myself, and have seen it in others, too much webbery gets us stuck, wrapped up, poisoned. It's called "doomscrolling" for a reason. So bravo Larry, thanks for what you give to this group. I am eternally grateful! Let your time here be the "break" from whatever else you find more important in life.
    6 points
  4. Data doesn't make assumptions. Data shows facts of what occured IN THE PAST. Good strategy uses data to guide in decisions regarding the future. In the case of the interview that inspired this thread, the CEO was saying that the company's entry level product should be simpler. I completely agree. One of the company's execs has since made a clarification statement that the CEO wasn't referring to their top of the line product. A lot of the folks here are old timers who've used these products for decades and very tech savvy (before anyone takes that the wrong way and goes off, that group includes me). Consider that DAW makers want/need to see growth and that means selling to younger, often less affluent, buyers that may not be as comfortable with complex software. The CEO is saying this product category, and their own entry level product, is too complex. If they make it easier to use, they can gain a lot more market share. Now, I'm a former strategist that advised Fortune 500 c level execs and no, they almost always won't know these products or be as tech savvy as just about everyone who has made a post in this thread. But I think the CEO's statements in the interview were pretty basic, strategy 101 statements and if his company can execute what he wants to do, and execute effective publicity and promotional strategies, it would very likely allow them to gain market share, which would be very good news for those who own the flagship product. As the whole reason for the entry level product is to put customers in the pipeline, which leads up to costly/costlier paid products -- ideally to the flagship product. Nerd talk over.
    3 points
  5. All I can say is *****! At some point people are just gonna have to invest a little bit of actual effort!
    3 points
  6. Fixed again 😆 Seriously though some times data does show that major shifts in trends. As in like the shake-up of digital photography, just look now at Canon, Nikon mirroless cameras. It is just that I have had some VP's visit from different trades and they had NO idea about the businesses they were helping to run!
    3 points
  7. Sometimes the people in charge have data that shows truths the rest of us don’t see. Just say’n
    3 points
  8. Sometimes people in charge come up with strange (i.e. dumb) ideas to make it look like they have a reason for being there.
    3 points
  9. screw that. i ain't wasting time doing that. i will sit and wait until next GB to get full versions.
    3 points
  10. Triumph - Follow Your Heart
    3 points
  11. For any lovers of independent developer free synths (and drum machines and SF players), there's a whole set of them developed by Ronan Fed available here: https://ronanfed.rf.gd/plugins.html I get the impression (from the developer's/artist's YT channel) that at least some of the synths have been out for a while, but only recently advertised more widely (e.g., a recent addition to the KVR plugin list). They're not the poofiest poodles at the dog show, but the price is right and they could be worth a look. I noodled around with the Pneuma sub synth for a bit, and it's fairly nifty, with nice options and on-board effects, etc. Looks like VST3 and Windows-only, though.
    3 points
  12. https://kilohearts.com/banks $29 $14.50 Mostly Phase Plant presets, but a few also include some new wavetables (Crisis Design, I'mmortal, Suspension), and one (Polychrome) also includes some presets for Multi Pass.
    2 points
  13. I suspect most of us here know a lot more than we realise about how to use a DAW, and we don't realise/remember what it's like being new to the field of music making. Simple products for beginners are good: they bring people in and provide a bigger user base (and money) for the whole product range.
    2 points
  14. Dancetech on YouTube provides an in-depth review plus explanations re Comprexxor https://youtu.be/oxQwPI8cil8
    2 points
  15. Just updated from 8 to 9... and paid full price. A bit expensive for a 1 version upgrade, but I will say the Prophet was significantly improved. If you don't already have a high-end piano library/plugin, the Steinway piano is pretty decent. The new effects/modulation options are welcome. Looks like development for Pigments is crossing over into the other instruments. Next, I'd like to see the OB-Xa, Matrix 12, Mini, and Modular redone. 😃
    2 points
  16. You Fixed the boss! Time to get your coat
    2 points
  17. I believe Bapu subscribes to his Daily Plugin Deals Alert Line... 😆
    2 points
  18. Kinda contradicting. The CEO is making a straw man. People forget younger generations use phones. He is trying to create another Bandlab (not the DAW) I guess. Sometimes people in charge try to hide ignorance by coming up with strange ideas.
    2 points
  19. Here you go: https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/isol8
    2 points
  20. Frank, Thank you very much!🖕 Larry,..... Larry who, I don't know a Larry, 😄
    2 points
  21. Super Furry Animals - Hello Sunshine
    2 points
  22. I found them. They are there. And they are playing. So maybe no update is required and it's just a IKPM glitch? No... not the PM!!
    2 points
  23. I compared. Mostly a lazy comparision - the factory presets. Ok, I'm lazy. Sometimes the presets sounded almost identical, sometimes a bit different. Sometimes I liked Repro better, other Arturia. But U-He is rev3 and Arturia is modeled on a rev-2, so it really seems like 2 different synths. One funny memory: the patch '25 Trumpet Flute', to me sounds just as flute on Repro, but really Trumpet/Flute on Arturia.
    2 points
  24. If you contact IK support, there's a good chance they will reset your downloads in this case.
    2 points
  25. The Prophet 5 and Juno 6 are my favorites with the Oberheim a close 3rd.
    2 points
  26. Just a little reminder:
    2 points
  27. I admit, I’ve made a couple of track icons over the years. When I have to take a break from some boring task, I find it relaxing to do something completely different just for fun. Sometimes it's track icons. Yeah, I know. Today I noticed that I had made more than 500 of them, so I thought maybe someone else might have some use for them as well. They’re all virtual instruments and in some cases preset libraries. Of course, there’s a LOT of virtual instruments out there so please don’t expect to find every conceivable VSTi or library in this collection. They are all in png format with a size of 96x96 pixels. The image files are named [Developer]-[Plugin]_cnps.png. That way they should be quite easy to locate despite the large number of files and also not inadvertently overwrite any existing track icons you might have. Some of them come in a few different variants as well. How to use them in Sonar and CbB Track icons are normally placed in the folder Cakewalk Content\Sonar\Track Icons for Sonar, or Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Track Icons for CbB, and can be inserted into a project by right-clicking on a track’s default track icon and then selecting Load Track Icon. Navigate to the folder where your icons of choice are kept and take your pick. They can be added separately to Track View, Track Inspector and Console View. Just make sure that Views > Icons > Show Icons is selected and they should turn up. You can optionally just drag-and-drop a track icon from File Explorer onto the track. Any part of the track will work as destination, so you won't have to drop it on the existing track icon. This action will also (almost always) automatically update the icon in the Track Inspector and the Console View as well. Fun fact: This drag-and-drop feature is not documented in the Online Help, nor in the Reference Guide. I simply found it out by trying. I would suggest that these track icons are kept inside the attached folder so that they are kept separate from all legacy icons that come with a Sonar or CbB installation. And no, I certainly don’t have all of these plugins and libraries. Far from it. But I do have a couple of them … How to get them These icons may be downloaded as a zip file from here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmXDCxaGb7JEgQTra_vTlaGww6zr?e=aBShc5 Disclaimer I certainly don’t claim ownership of any of the trademarks faintly discernible on these track icons. Just in case someone wondered.
    1 point
  28. With apologies in advance, this is the second "downer" in a row that I've posted. Well, life can't always be about happy toe-tappers I guess. This one explores the delicate topic of the hospice, an institution I hope I never end up in 😬 I'm not so sure about the use of the word "baby" in the chorus. It's a bit cheap and throwaway for the weight of the subject matter. Any suggestions on that one would be appreciated. Thanks.
    1 point
  29. I think that's part of the problem.... not enough of an effort!! : )
    1 point
  30. Made sense it was the wrong thread but still cracked me up for a good 15 minutes 😂 I was getting frustrated trying to update my 1.0 modo drum in PM and when I saw that random post it made me laugh so hard I forgot about it for a while which was great
    1 point
  31. I wanted to report back that I transferred all my presets to the new DAW. It was truly a hunt & seek process that took a few days. First, I used Cakewalk's Plug-in Manager to export my user presets for each plug-in as a .spp file. This took a while because I had to remember each plug-in that I created user presets for. But all was not bliss because some of the .spp preset files wouldn't import into the new Cakewalk Plug-in Manager. So for those bad ones, I exported the presets directly from each plug-in as a .fxp preset file. The .fxp presets uploaded with no trouble. Second, several of the plug-ins stored user presets in different location like: Documents, Program Files, ProgramData, Users locations... just everywhere. But I got them all! Last, some of the plug-ins were discontinued and I had to be creative to transfer them to the new DAW. I searched for all their root directories in the old DAW and copied them to a thumb drive, then pasted them to the same directories in the new DAW. Cakewalk saw them and accepted them! Some of those plug-ins required me to re-register them and fortunately I keep all my registration data, so all was good (I even have my Cakewalk Pro Audio 6 CD from the 90's). I hope this helps anyone who's migrating to a new computer. And the new computer is amazing! Opened a project with 84 stereo tracks, 20+ auxs and tons of plug-ins and the CPU meter hovers between 5-10% and memory usage at 16GB (this project brought my old DAW to its knees). I followed Sweetwater's Windows 11 optimization guide and the performance is rock solid. Cheers!
    1 point
  32. Zero-G also have another offer for bonus products depending on your cart value:
    1 point
  33. Also, get 15% off $30+. Summer Sale | Orders Over $30 Gets Extra 15% Off | Use The Code "THIRTY"
    1 point
  34. I got a good laugh out of that one!! I don't either. But it definitely is an issue they didn't think about! Everything is playing as expected in MODO Drums. All the new kits, all the old kits. How to tell? Where to look? But I still have access to all my kits. As far as I can tell, nothing was removed with the new install.
    1 point
  35. Many thanks all, glad you enjoyed the track.
    1 point
  36. I'm still on Analog Lab V. I do like it well enough that hopefully I can afford to jump on the Collection train at some point. Thanks for the report Jim!
    1 point
  37. Love the soaring guitar. Great find! -Bjorn
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Man. This sparkles. This soars. Great playing, astounding sound! Question: How the heck did you put together this 'quick background vid for it this morning to use on YT?" It's pretty cool.
    1 point
  40. They already have PRIME - the FREE Version, AND they have ARTIST, the scaled down version. What am I missing? Why didn't he just say "We're going to work on a new product" rather than say "we need to REMOVE features, make it simpler, and more affordable"? The very WORDS imply that it will be "Studio One", whether DERIVED or REPLACED! I'm not GUESSING...I'm just stating EXACTLY what the article said. Apparently THAT is "sensationalizing" I guess. Sorry if it all this gets you riled up. I'm just stating facts! I don't live in "LA LA LAND", I read, analyze, and draw logical conclusions....that being said...NONE OF US REALLY KNOWS....because AGAIN....it REMAINS TO BE SEEN! I am NOT sensationalizing anything whatsoever...merely stating facts. If that bothers you I can't help that...sorry!
    1 point
  41. I don't have Diva, but have the Luftrum preset banks for Repro 5, iZotope Iris, & Pigments. All are great! I should probably go ahead and grab Luftrum 22 for bx_oberhausen while it's only $14.50.
    1 point
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