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Volume in Export



Every time I export a song from Sonar to MP3 or WAV the output comes out much quieter (6-10 db?) than it sounds in Sonar.   I used to select all tracks to export, then read on a previous post that I need to Select>None so I am just exporting the Master.  I have done that and it made no difference.  I have to turn the volume on my interface (Audient ID22)  two 3:00 to get the same volume on the MP3/WAV that Sonar gives me when the volume is at 12:00.   It's frustrating because I'd like to start posting songs, but by comparison to what else is out there mine are barely audible.  This has always been a problem since I started using Cakewalk, but it seems to be much, much worse since I went from X1 to Sonar Platinum.  Anybody got an idea what is going on?  

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What app are you using to play back the exported file? Make sure its using the same driver as Cakewalk (preferably ASIO), and its level controls are at 0dB.

On the Cakewalk side:

- In the Console view, drag the pane divider at the far right side to the left to reveal the hardware output channel strips.

- Make sure the volume fader on the strip for the Audient's main outs  (to you monitors) is at 0dB.

- Make sure every track and bus in the project is ultimately outputting to the Master bus, and the Master outputs to Audient's main outs.

- Export with Source Category=Buses, and select only the Master bus.

- If the level is still lower in the 3rd-party app, reimport the exported file to a new track in Cakewalk that routes directly to Main Outs, and group the mute on that track in opposition with the Master bus mute.

- A/B the live mix with the re-imported track to compare the metered levels as well as the audible loudness.

- Assuming that checks out, something's going on with the other app.

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So, i figured it out: 
Sometimes there is a BUG in the Master Channel, so, just delete it and create a new one:

1- Create a new bus and set it to default
2- Copy every fx/automations/whatever you did in master to this new bus
3- delete old master and rename the new bus to master
Ps: This will make every output that was set to the old master, now is going to output1-2 (direct into your soundboard output)
4- select every track and in the output, select: Selected Tracks Outputs. Now, set it to the new master.
5- Now set the output of the buses to the new master

BOOOM, problem solved. took me a while to figure this out.

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