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UJAM Finisher Micro

Larry Shelby

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I've written to UJAM support and will let everyone know what they say.  I have to suspect it's designed to let you audition the various modes in the program, but for some odd reason it's not hearing the Silk guitar.

I just did another test in which I just wrote some random midi notes (no midi instrument) and then processed it with Finisher Micro... and yep, I got the vocal again.


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That is weird! I just tried it with Silk and it worked fine adding a kind of shimmering sound with the Infinity patch.

Here's a short piece with the first 8 bars using the Silk patch Fat and Vivid (Vivid Picking) with Fin Micro disabled and the second 8 bars with Fin Micro set to 50% mix.



Silk Fin.mp3

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Thanks Matt - I just d/l and ran FIN-MICRO_win_128 and it now works as expected.  (Officially called Fin-Micro 1.01)

I had been using FIN-MICRO_win_123 and I suspect that a programmer forgot to delete their testing method.

Matt, curious how you identified that loop?  I am familiar with Google Images and how you can search for matching images, but have never

encountered a similar method for audio.

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It's an app you can run on your phone.  Apple bought them out last year I think.  It uses a very interesting way to recognize music.  You just have it listen to a little bit of a song and if it's in the database it will recognize it.  Works great when you are out and hear something you like on the radio or some loud speaker.  The math behind how it works is very interesting, I read some really long detailed piece on it a year or two ago.  Now that Apple owns them I fully expect the Android version to be killed any minute.

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