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XILS lab XILS StiX $109 ($185 MSRP?) may be a one day sale


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At Guitar Center online - saw a blurb somewhere that this was a one day sale but can't confirm that.



StiX offers an incredible variety of drums sounds of different eras : Vintage analog drum machines, or early digital ones. And many sound of the next eras.

Synthesis: Virtual Analog morphing oscillators, FM @ audio rate, Sine + Waveshaping, Samples, CroSS Synthesis. 4th Gen 0DF Filters, Macros Knobs, Step Modulators, LFOs, Unique R-Clap Evs and ADSR, exclusive PolyStep auto-modulator: A whole synthesizer to taylor each of the 10 drum sounds.

Sequencing: Variable number of steps per Beat. Per Step Divisi, Gate Time, Micro Position, Macro Modulators, Velocity. Song Mode to organize patterns.  

Workflow: FAST, intuitive. XoX Sequencer Multiline and SingleLine views, Synthesis Eazy And Advanced pages. Never more than a click away from your task. Exclusive Stretch and Modal Pitch Macro Controls, Global user defined Macros controls.

Presets: 2000 presets: 120+ Global Presets, 720+ Patterns, 700 Drumpads, 60 Drumkits, 390 exclusive samples. And still growing.


  • MIDI Output: Control your virtual instruments, or record the MIDI data in your Daw
  • MIDI Learn: Full automation of all synthesis parameters of all drumpads, mixer etc
  • Drums of the Past: 15 Wave Alchemy Drumkits ( Roland TR-xox, EMU SP12, Drumtracks, Linndrum etc )
  • Multi criteria Database engine: Find the right preset in minute,? create custom tags?
  • Randomize: Drumkits, sequences, full patterns
  • Live Control: Chain patterns, mute/unmute tracks on the fly.
  • Swing: Sophisticated swing engine
  • Multi Output version: With volume, groups and pan preservation
  • Natural Reverb, Analog Delay & Phaser, Per drum crusher and distorsion
  • Sample Accurate synchro and audio engine: The tightest beats for your tracks
  • Envelope segments modulations, hundreds of modulation targets. Simultaneously.
  • Gang Mode to edit Sequencer Lanes, mixer, effects sends


Edited by TheSteven
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