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IK Announce Amplitube Joe Satriani

Larry Shelby

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The secret is out. We’ve been working closely with Joe Satriani on AXE I/O, so when we approached him about doing a signature AmpliTube collection, he was in. The only question? What gear to model!

That's where you come in. It's time for you to voice your opinion on what iconic gear you want to see in AmpliTube Joe Satriani, releasing in 2020.

Hit the link below to see the list of gear Joe provided, and cast your votes! Check back January 16th to see what gear will be included in AmpliTube Joe Satriani.


Plus, enter for a chance to win the ultimate guitar recording studio!


AXE I/O premium audio interface

A pair of iLoud MTM studio monitors

AmpliTube Joe Satriani (when released)

All our other AmpliTube titles

Post a video of your best Satriani cover to YouTube, Instagram or Facebook using hashtag #AmpliTubeSatch for a chance to win. Details at the link below!



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7 hours ago, TheSteven said:

Fan yes, but contest is garbage. One of those where you get extra entries for subscribing to various media channels, etc.

Visit, except Twitter.  Not follow.  It's a click and wait a few seconds for each.  Or you can vote daily for more entries.

Or, for better chances at a better set of prizes, the video contest is the better shot.

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22 minutes ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

Visit, except Twitter.  Not follow.  It's a click and wait a few seconds for each.  Or you can vote daily for more entries.

Or, for better chances at a better set of prizes, the video contest is the better shot.

Peter.  Some of those options are already in AT  roland 120 being one (dumebag if i recall well) , why would it be a third version ? 

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One of the most interesting, tasteful virtuoso guitar players ever.

That being said, most of his "gear" that he has associated with over the years has not been top tier tone machinery.  

I'm a nobody with access to better gear than what is on this list to "model," and that is kind of sad.  

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2 hours ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

We would model Joe's specific gear.  He's already shared some pedals with us directly to take a look at, whatever we model will be very interesting indeed.

Peter Tell em to model at one time more boutique stuff like Two Rock ect ....

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2 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

What on that list is not top tier?

Honestly all of it other than perhpas Marshall Super Lead if it is an original and an Echoplex.  

Someone like Joe has access to all kinds of boutique gear, everything on that list is attainable (or not great in terms of tone) for the average player.


Obviously he can make fantastic music with a Squier Strat and a Solid State amp, but when modeling for an artist's gear you tend to want a representatoin of some really good gear as the starting point.  


Trainwreck, Komet, Two Rock for Amps...effects too many options to list, but Boss, Vox, Dunlop, are not on anyones wishlist other than a beginner.

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24 minutes ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

All of this is gear  Joe has used at some point in his career - and not only him, but countless others. Marshall JVM is their flagship (hopefully this is the JVM410HJS). Wouldn't mind seeing IK's take on a complete 5150 (that is also one of Peavey's best selling amps of all time).  Try and find a 6100 today yeah? Eventide isn't "top tier?" Countless guitarists have relied on the Chandler Tube driver. I guess you're trying to say this isn't "boutique" stuff right. Ok, well Boss, Vox and Dunlop are used by professional guitarists the world over, studio and stage, for decades - not just beginners.

Not trying to start a flame war.


ANY amp that has more than one channel by design is a tone compromise.  Look at the work of Ken Fischer (Jim Marshall used to call him for advice and feedback on tone...think about that for a second).  

Yes, the Tube Driver was used by many guitarists, just like the terrible sounding TS-9, and there were not very many alternatives at the time.  

Joe could made a early era Line6 pod sound good and interesting, that doesn't mean it is a tone machine.  He also could have said, just model a Line6 digital amp, I can make that sound like me.  

The Eventide was a digital model built in the 70s, it was state of the art at the time....just like an Apple IIc computer.  Do I think it sounds as good as the processors that can be produced today?  Absolutely not, nor would it be top tier.  

Tone is in the hands and Joe isn't bottling that up for our consumption.  It does speak volumes that someone of his stature would say, model a DS-1, to get "my sound"


The 6100 reissues are easy to get, any "original" of course is a little more difficult to obtain, but again it isn't a holy grail amp either.  I could buy one any day of the week if I desired one.  The same cannot be said for an original Trainwreck.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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I think the subject is not specially what stars uses but more what makes sens bizness and marketing wise for Ik and for us ...personnaly i don't know those guyz , i just need diffrents quality gears ....this was my remark ...for those looking for a specific artist tone it's exellent as i gravitated to those presets in AT and they'rev indeed prod ready and ope most of the time ...

The question was more intended to Ik approch : Stars Tone versus Gear (missing ) modeling ..... the second is what i'm looking for but this dos'nt take off anything from option 1 , i was just asking ..... 

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2 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

Uh, no thanks. Yes, multi channel amps suck - and in fact, aren't even necessary for many gigs, and aren't relied by, again, professional guitarists the world over. Would you rather Amplitube Joe Satriani included a bunch of boutique blues dentists gear that Joe doesn't even use? Expensive and rare does not make the gear better. Do I think the Eventide still sounds good? Yes, I do. I think it's a given that processing power has increased, that's why Eventide continues to release new gear.  Joe, along with Steve Vai, have used Boss pedals, including overdrive and distortion, for years. Pretty sure the vote is VOTE FOR THE GEAR YOU WANT IN AMPLITUBE JOE SATRIANI, not in Amplitube in general.

If you think Marshall made better amps than Trainwreck, I think it is fair to assume you have never actually played one.  


(and I agree that rare and expensive doesn't equal better, i.e the overrated Dumbles I've played, though some were very good),

Edited by Brian Walton
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1 hour ago, Carlos said:

Tone is not in the hands, never has never will. That they have influence on sound, that's different. Tone (timbre) has more to do with the speaker.

Believe what you will.

It is a bit of a joke.  (though the speaker isn't the #1 contributor to tone either, and I have access to the holy grails of all guitar speakers.  Pre Rolla 30 green back Celestions picked out by Ken Fischer himself)

However, I stand by the statement that the gear itself is basically irrelevant in what Joe is bringing to the table.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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1 hour ago, Brian Walton said:

It is a bit of a joke.  (though the speaker isn't the #1 contributor to tone either, and I have access to the holy grails of all guitar speakers.  Pre Rolla 30 green back Celestions picked out by Ken Fischer himself)

However, I stand by the statement that the gear itself is basically irrelevant in what Joe is bringing to the table.  

Someone saved me the effort:


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