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VSTBuzz: 60% off “Subdivine” by Diginoiz

Larry Shelby

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, arznable said:

Anyone bought this? Is this good? I cannot find any walkthrough, tutorial, or review about this in the net at all.

It looks as it is a bunch of bass soundsamples that comes with a player. It probably doesn't do anything than play the samples.

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8 hours ago, arznable said:

Anyone bought this? Is this good? I cannot find any walkthrough, tutorial, or review about this in the net at all.

I believe it's more focused on sub bass than being a typical electronic bass lib. This can  be quite handy for all genres from cinematic to pop rock and dance music etc.  Of course you can get these sounds from synths you might already own but the point of this is to be a swiss army knife tool for layering those sounds in fast and easy way. I don't own this but I'm considering it. Could I live without it? Sure.

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On 12/20/2019 at 10:36 PM, kitekrazy said:

 I tend to stay away from companies that are all about loops that decide to enter the VST market.   Sample Magic was short lived while W.A. gives their away or sell em cheap.

I've never quite understood the Loop Craze either, although I have gotten a few when they were super cheap or free just to see if I could find a way to incorporate them into my work but so far I just haven't felt the need to try and use any of the loops I have. Phrase based companies are a different story and can be useful but even then they are for niche cases. Since this is their first time, it seems, making a non loop based VST I can understand the skepticism but I have to say I am actually tempted by this one. Although I have plenty of Virtual Synths and Kontakt libs that can cover this ground I can see how useful it would be to have a tool with all the sub bass sounds you need with options to manipulate them further with Drive and ADSR.  At $20, I'm still thinking about it. At $10 I would have probably bought it already.


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On 12/22/2019 at 4:44 PM, Patrick Derbidge said:

I've never quite understood the Loop Craze either, although I have gotten a few when they were super cheap or free just to see if I could find a way to incorporate them into my work but so far I just haven't felt the need to try and use any of the loops I have. Phrase based companies are a different story and can be useful but even then they are for niche cases. Since this is their first time, it seems, making a non loop based VST I can understand the skepticism but I have to say I am actually tempted by this one. Although I have plenty of Virtual Synths and Kontakt libs that can cover this ground I can see how useful it would be to have a tool with all the sub bass sounds you need with options to manipulate them further with Drive and ADSR.  At $20, I'm still thinking about it. At $10 I would have probably bought it already.


Did a bit of research, and I think SubLab will fit the bill much better.  Although it is a bit more expensive, but I think it will be more useful in the long run.  https://futureaudioworkshop.com/product/sublab/

Edited by arznable
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8 hours ago, arznable said:

Did a bit of research, and I think SubLab will fit the bill much better.  Although it is a bit more expensive, but I think it will be more useful in the long run.  https://futureaudioworkshop.com/product/sublab/

I bit the bullet on Subdivine and I'm a bit disappointed. I think the sounds are great but there's a major glitch going on. If I play fast or even normal speed the notes cut out as if the notes are being muted to avoid clipping even though it's not clipping so all you hear is the attack of each note so basically a bunch of clicky sounds. I even tried playing as soft as possible . If I just draw in the notes everything's fine but there are too many times I want to play the notes in or at least play along with the track before committing. It could be it's just my system or it doesn't play well with reaper. I'll have to reach out to the devs and see. This issue alone makes Sublab look more enticing.

Edited by Patrick Derbidge
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/20/2019 at 10:36 PM, kitekrazy said:

 I tend to stay away from companies that are all about loops that decide to enter the VST market.   Sample Magic was short lived while W.A. gives their away or sell em cheap.

Looks like your policy has merit. So far Subdivine glitches when I try to play it on my Keystation88 but not with my cheap chinese AKM320. Even stranger it seems to be a combination of using the Keystation88, Reaper, and subdivine together whereas it all works fine if I use the Keystation88 with Subdivine in Cakewalk. I have over $10k of Virtual instruments and none of the other virtual instruments have this glitch so it seems "all" the other Vi companies have this figured out. I guess Diginoiz has some growing pains to figure out when it comes to making Vi's.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just an update. Diginoiz support was awesome and worked with me to find a solution to my unique issue. Now Subdivine works as it should in Reaper with M-audio Keystation keyboards. It seemed to be a weird issue where the combination of Reaper and Keystation caused Subdivine to cut out when trying to play on the keyboard. After a little back and forth, all is well. Of course the other working solution was to just use Cakewalk(:

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