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Coffee/Espresso Machines


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I'm a recent caffeine free person. I did like tea and coffee but had a recent epiphany that caffeine may be responsible  for a multitude of mental health problems I was having. 45 days free of caffeine and they have all vanished, I'm back to my old self again.

If you get things like panic attacks, anxiety, depression, psychosis etc or you get diagnosed with things like depression, bi-polar disorder, borderline personality disorder or anxiety/psychosis or ADHD etc. then you might want to stop all caffeine for 45 days and see if that does anything. Chances are, it will.

Caffeine sensitivity is very hard to diagnose since doctors don't test for it or accept it, they just treat presenting symptoms not underlying causes. Also, drugs like caffeine have short term and long term effects. We all know the short term effects of caffeine as a stimulant but the long term effects of continual use can bring about all sorts of problems that are not easily linked to caffeine use since they don't necessarily appear straight after taking caffeine. Continual use of caffeine can create long term and extremely serious brain changes in some people.


Edited by Tezza
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