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ReValver Acquired by Audio Media Research - Revalver is now FREE!!!

Larry Shelby

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@Scott Mire Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for taking the time to answer questions and give us additional info about the company and who works there. Really good to know.

I have Revalver and was a user of it when AC had it before PV. I will make a pass to the new website and keep an eye out for what ya'll come up with.

Looking forward to the new stuff.

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@Scott Mire

Thanks for taking the time to come in and give some details on everything.

I am curious and interested to see where you guys take things.   Although I have moved on to other sims for most things, I do intend to keep Revalver for the time being and haven't written it off.  It's still my main rig for bass and clean guitars, but that's mainly only due to a lack of options elsewhere as well.

One thing that does concern me is that if you guys didn't get the resources you need from a fairly large, reputable, successful company like Peavey, how likely is it that you'll get (and continue to get) the resources you need as a smaller and unheard of company?  This is an especially relevant question considering how much more competitive the amp sim market is these days...you guys are fighting to take back market share from some very popular heavyweights in this space now (Positive Grid, Fortin, JST, etc...and even smaller companies like Audio Assault seem to be gaining steam).

Secondly, I've never jumped in the whole dongle debate because it never much mattered to me (I think people just like to complain to complain), but it's starting to become an issue from a pure management perspective.  I have no problem with anti-piracy measures, even physical ones.  But if you guys could make managing/changing dongles on our own a bit easier (as you just mentioned)....without having to email customer support and all that....that would be great.

Right now I have 3 USB ports.   I have a keyboard, a mouse, a regular USB dongle for Revalver, an iLok I later acquired for Slate plugins, a USB audio interface, an external hard drive, and I'm looking at the potential of having to get a proprietary Steinberg dongle as well...it's insane.  Lmao.  Now, I do have a USB hub that allows me to accommodate most of what I need, but even with USB select suspend settings off, my USB ports do sometimes get overloaded and temporarily shut down.  So I'll be looking for ways to downsize, and having an easy way of just resetting Revalver licensing and tying it to my iLok, for example, would be nice.

Furthermore, if you guys could maybe just team up with iLok/PACE and use the cloud licensing service, we could dump the need for a physical dongle altogether.

11 hours ago, Scott Mire said:

We also agree that we needed to focus on getting more bass content in ReValver. We are on it. 

Glad to hear you guys are keeping your ears open and acknowledging feedback!  That's one of the reasons a lot of us here stick with Cakewalk...the team here is much more interactive and in-tune, which isn't always the case with larger DAW/plugin companies.  If you or your team can maintain a presence here and continue this same line of communication, that'd be awesome.

I'd pay close attention to what JST has done with Bassforge Hellraiser.  Honestly, that was going to be my next amp sim purchase...it seems to be pretty popular and is one of the only really good specialty bass sims on the market right now (particularly for metal guys).

Edited by AxlBrutality
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