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WaveDNA releases Liquid Music v1.7.0 (free update)


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This appears to be a free update if you purchased a license, you should have received an email Thursday evening with info and download links.

What's New in Liquid Music 1.7.0?

Project Clips
Project Clips provide users with idea management tools for Liquid Music within DAW projects, offering increased flexibility for swapping and adding new variations to tracks, or for trying out different combinations of accompaniments across a selection of instruments. All tracks under Liquid Music's control can access and edit the list of Project Clips.

Track Selector
The Track Selector in VST / AU / AAX aids navigation between multiple plugin instances (tracks under Liquid Music's control), from directly within Liquid Music's UI window. Users can set a custom name or color for tracks as desired to further streamline workflow in the current DAW project.


Other Improvements in Liquid Music 1.7.0

  •  General Import MIDI workflow improvement for VST / AU / AAX: Importing MIDI now creates a new Project Clip while preserving any current content in the Arranger Canvas as a separate Project Clip. In previous versions of Liquid Music, content in the Arranger Canvas would be replaced by the imported MIDI and lost if not saved
  •  LM VST / AU / AAX: A bug where the UI would hang and require a force-quit when closing the host DAW has been fixed, and the UI window should now automatically close when you exit your DAW.  Similarly, if you delete all instances of LM from your DAW project the LM UI window will also automatically close.
  •  The Devices tab of the Preferences window now has a scrollbar if you have enough devices that the Devices list would have previously caused the Preferences window to expand (that is, more than 22)
  •  Switching the Harmony Builder to the “Key” Layer tab no longer causes the Harmony Builder to resize itself and grow.
  •  Changed Channel Header Piano label to read “Keyboard”
  •  Updated aesthetic of JColorChooser (previously used for Sketch color setting, now also used to set Track Color in VST / AU / AAX) to fit the theme
  •  LM Harmony Tools: General efficiency improvement with mass overhaul of update notification structure.
  •  The AMXD-specific “Import Clip” disable-arranger-overlay was sometimes incorrectly being triggered in the VST / AU / AAX plugins, due to shared codepaths in the different plugin versions of the software. One case that was reported which triggered this issue was when plugin instances had many notes of very short durations, and the Liquid Music UI window was closed and reopened; upon reopening the UI window, the “Import Clip” overlay from the AMXD was incorrectly showing; this is now fixed.
  •  Performance improvement when switching Tracks that the Liquid Music UI is focused on, as a result of changes in the shared codepath for loading tracks / clips, as described above. 
  •  Usability Improvement for Ableton Live and the Liquid Music AMXD: some drum racks in Ableton 10.1 are not being automatically classified as drum racks by Liquid Music, and are instead being loaded into the Harmony Tools perspective, which then brings up the “Import Clip” disable-arranger-overlay. There was no easy way for Users to switch to the Rhythm Tools, as when the overlay is up, the UI and all application menu options become disabled, so Users would have to press “Import Clip”, and then “Bypass”, and then go to the View Menu and select “Switch To Rhythm Tools”, for this clip. Instead, the overlay was changed to include a “Switch To Rhythm Tools” button.
  •  Installation / configuration improvements for Ableton Live 10.1: Ableton changed the application ID between Live 10 and Live 10.1, meaning that when the Liquid Music installer ran, Live 10.1 was not being detected, so if Live 10.1 was the only version of Live on the computer at the time of installation, the AMXDs would not be installed in the appropriate location in the Ableton User Library.

Known Issues & Limitations

  • WaveDNA’s Liquid Music and Liquid Rhythm are being tested with macOS Catalina 10.15 across various DAWs; this domain is still being mapped, and in the interim, we cannot guarantee compatibility until systematic tests have been performed.
  • Export to File (MIDI or Clip) doesn’t prompt you about overwriting if a file with that name exists, it just overwrites the file
  • In AMXD, duplicating a Live Clip in Ableton will result in a new “Untitled” entry for the Project Clips rather than selecting the Project Clip from the source of the duplicate
  • In VST / AU / AAX, attempting to Import a blank MIDI file will fail, not initially, but after you select a Key and then click “Import” — this should raise a single Wave sadface error dialog but should recover gracefully from here, it instead used to be a catastrophic crash requiring LM to exit, should be better now though want to look at further fix in the future (this is also a very corner case, why would you import a blank?)

This info & more at:

Edited by TheSteven
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