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FXPansion BF Sale

Larry Shelby

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slightly off topic....

I've been with BFD since the beginning.  I've a load of the packs including 3rd party ones and you can still load version 1 packs in version 3, which is more than you can say for SD3


It's looking a bit unloved by FXP in recent years - so of the packs are pretty old and some have 'issues' -  there has been very little input/updates and if you take a look at their forum it's tumbleweed and massive amounts of chinese spam.

I'm reluctant to invest any more into it - compare to Toontrack who are releasing better (IMO) packs and seem to still be actively developing it ...plus SD3 triggers better with edrums






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^^^^^ agreed, especially because toontrack have some good offers on - I picked up rock warehouse from larry's link  (thanks larry - you should organise some kind of affiliate program ?)


and for sake of completeness just linking to your other  thread which also has BFD BF kits - but same caution needs to be applied


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