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Sonar professional e Scarlette 18i8


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1 hour ago, Augusto said:

Ho 2 Scrlette Focurite 18i8 la prima vecchia generazione la seconda  di seconda generazione ; non riesco ha settarle entrabe per avere 16 canali audio in ingresso .

 Pc 16giga di ram

1 hour ago, Augusto said:


I have 2 Scrlette Focurite 18i8 the first old generation the second second generation; I can not set them in order to have 16 channels of audio input.

Pc 16giga of ram


The Focusrite drivers don't support two Scarlett devices connected as USB.

You may get away with it using WSAPI or WDM, but with ASIO on Windows you can only use one device.

However, there is a workaround using ADAT:

1. Connect the ADAT out of the 1st gen to the ADAT in of the 2nd gen.  This will allow the 2nd 18i20 to use the inputs of the 1st gen 18i20.
2. Decide how you are going to sync your word clocks, so either:

  • Connect either the ADAT out of the 2nd gen to the 1st gen in, or
  • Connect the SPDIF OUT of the 2nd gen to the SPDIF IN of the 1st Gen

3. Switch on both devices, but have the 1st gen connected via USB.

4. Within MixControl, set sync to ADAT or SPDIF (depending on what you chose above in 2) and route all your inputs to ADAT outputs. Save this to hardware from the menu.

5. Unplug the USB for 1st gen 18i20, and connect the 2nd gen 18i20 via USB to your computer

You should now be able to access the 1st gen inputs from the 2nd gen via ADAT, giving you all 16 channels.

Note: Make sure you always switch on the 2nd gen 18i20 first, so that the wordclock is transmitting ready for the 1st 18i20 to pick it up.


Edited by msmcleod
adding original quote/translation
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