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Problem Downloading Windows 8.1 ISO


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Hi Gang...


I didn't see where else I might post this so I hope it's ok...


I've been trying to download the windows 8.1 iso from microsoft with a continued problem. Whether to an internal drive, usb mem stick or usb hard drive...


The file is marked as 4.0G. Every attempt reuslts in a line claiming to have downloaded 4.0 of 4.0 but then it fails.... File won't close? I continue to try getting it to finish and it starts with 9s remaining, but will go no further.


Does anyone have an idea what is going on and how I can get this file? I'm trying to clone/update the system drive here. I want to replace a 500G with a 1TB drive, They are all SSD.


My difficulty is that I run windows 8.1 on a mac pro using bootcamp, so the simple cloning software doesn't work by itself. It has to be installed using Bootcamp somehow. I haven't managed to make it work and I'm squeemish about hurting my nicely running setup. But the instructions want me to first install with bootcamp.


I can easily clone any drive from windows, but they do not end up bootable???


Dazed and confused!




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Thanks TheSteven and Cookie Jarvis...


both good ideas.


not trying to clone mac though. Trying to clone the windows system drive that runs under bootcamp, but i will look as well as try another browser...


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Do you have a auto backup? Sometimes my backup program makes  fresh Downloaded large files unusable because it is holding the temp files til it is completely uploaded to the backup, and it cant convert the temp files to the file you "downloaded". I turn the backup of in that cases.




Edited by ØSkald
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