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Epic production Tom and you did that with Premiere Elements? I'm guessing you got some footage from the Getty archive? I'm asking because I'm thinking of doing that.

Having done some video myself I can understand the time it took to make this.
Anyway, the video adds on to the already excellent song, now a soundtrack. 

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I guess I'm behind the ball here. I admit to not really getting a meaning from it. Trying to make sense of that video? Good video though.The elements all mixed well. I especially liked the trumpet parts around 3: 29 and after.  The mix came through crystal clear on my end.

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Thanks Bjorn! No Getty archive,  which I will now dutifully go look up. I like your travel videos, you do a great job. Thanks for the kind words. And the credits? Yes, anything for a laugh.


Starise! Thanks much . . .  It's a bundle of images. I'm glad you are not wasting too much time trying to ferret out a narrative. I think they add up to something about limitations on creativity, external and internal. There is some thread to those images, but I'm damned if I could really tell you what it was. Glad you like the effort!


Lynn, thanks a lot. It's just a fun ride for me and hopefully you, too! I appreciate the comments greatly.


Thanks, Varorium! Sometimes it's good to keep it weird. I'll say "hi" to Herbie for you!  Glad you liked it, thanks for the thoughts . . .


Paul, spot on with "my own private exhibition" - it just felt cool to wrap it up with the visual references to the earlier stuff. Probably makes it all seem like something much more meaningful than it really is. I appreciate your comments, thanks!







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This is a bit of a departure for you Tom   -----  but WOW did you hit a home run with this one.  It is absoflippinlutely brilliant .  Great coordination between music and video frames.  The song has merit by itself but put together WOW!  Where in the world do you find the video clips used?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, this is a cerebral piece if I ever seen one!  Looks like you put your whole heart and soul into is.  I like both the song and the video.  I'd really like to experience this on a huge plasma TV.  Where did you get the footage of the guy who's talking?  Is he a music professor of some kind.  I like his message.

?John B

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