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Question...A Bug or It Just Can't Does This? Mackie Control 1/XT???


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So...I have 3 Icon P1 Units. I recently when through Track Manager and hid a bunch of tracks of archived/not being used tracks in both Track View and Console View.

They are still showing up within my controllers through. Is this a bug or a limitation of the MMC protocol? It's doing this in both CbB and Sonar. :(

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There are two settings you need to be aware of:

1. "Keep track/console visibility in sync"  - if this is unchecked, it allows you to have a different set of hidden tracks / buses in the Track View vs the Console View.

The current set of hidden tracks you see depends on where you launched the Track Manager from.   If you launched from the Track View (or while the Track View was in focus), you'll see the Track View's list of hidden tracks;  if you launched from the Console View, you'll see the Console View's list of hidden tracks.


2.  "Console Strips Visible In"  -  this setting determines what visibility settings are respected when deciding which strips to make available to your control surface.   


So most likely:

1.  You've got "Sync Off" - which is fine, but be aware your hidden tracks won't be hidden in the console view
2.  You've got your "Console Strip Visible In" set to a view which still has those tracks visible.

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FWIW,  I find it useful to have the sync off, and the control surface set to see the console view.

Generally I want to see all tracks in the track view,  but due to the limit of physical faders, I'll quite often hide tracks in the Console View so I can control only the tracks I'm likely to want to change levels for.

This is usually only during tracking, as at mixdown time, I'm pretty much only controlling buses on the control surface.

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