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Connect my Korg nanoPad2 to play Drums



Hi There, 

Im trying to connect my Korg nanoPad2 to cakewalk - I installed the driver and it shows up in midi/devices but when I check the box in Inputs and hit apply it complains that "A device ID has been used that is out of range for you system"

I checked the driver settings - they look like this:

can anybody help? 
Google says:

"...This can occur on some systems when the MIDI Mapper is one of your selected MIDI output drivers. To resolve the problem, simply unselect the MIDI Mapper."

But this is where I am stuck now.





Edited by Burnie
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I've got the nanoPAD2 - not had much success using the Korg USB-MIDI driver though.

IIRC, it did work briefly between some major Windows 10 upgrades,  but Korg never seemed to catch up with the upgrades moving forward.

Luckily, the nanoPAD2 will work fine as a class compliant device, so uninstalling the Korg USB driver should allow you to use it without issue. The only downside is that the mapping software won't work in class-compliant mode.

I've got a Windows 7 boot on my machine, and the driver works fine in Windows 7, so I could map my pads accordingly in that, save the config to the nanoPAD2 then continue to use it class-compliant mode in Windows 10.

So if you're having issues with the driver, uninstall the Korg USB-MIDI driver and use it as a class-compliant MIDI device.

You've then got 2 choices:

1.  Use a Windows 7 machine (e.g. old laptop) for configuring the nanoPAD2 if you have to remap the pads, and use compliant mode in Win 10/11;  or
2.  Just use the default note mapping of the pads as is in compliant mode.

FWIW, this also applies to the nanoKONTROL 2 and nanoKONTROL Studio - although at least with those devices you can boot them up into a Sonar compatible Mackie Control mode, without ever having to use the mapping software.

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