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Different mixes returning in a stereo input of my interface

Debris Oliveira

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I'd like to have 4 different mixes for monitoring using Soundcfraft Notepad 12FX.

The first one comes directly from the analogic Aux Output.
The second one comes from Cakewalk Master output routed to "3+4" USB output, which goes to the console phone jack.

Now, the third and fourth.

This is what I thought:

I'll create 2 buses in Cakewalk and route both to the console USB Output “1+2”, which, by deafult, returns to the console 9/10 stereo input channel.

Bus 1 is going to be totally panned to L.
Bus 2 is going to be totally panned to R.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm assuming that, In a stereo input channel like 9/10, when I send something only to the LEFT, it goes only to 9. And when I send something only to the RIGHT, it goes only to 10.

Now I'm assuming that when we have a stereo channel going to the console MASTER analog output, it is also separated between LEFT and RIGHT. I mean... 9 goes to LEFT, 10 goes to RIGHT.

It means I have:

Mix 1 ---- Bus 1 → “1+2” output → all panned to the left → channel 9 → console master L
Mix 2 ---- Bus 2 → “1+2” output → all panned to the right → channel 10 → console master R

It means I can plug 2 different phone amps in master L and R ang get 2 different mixes?

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7 hours ago, Debris Oliveira said:

It means I have:

Mix 1 ---- Bus 1 → “1+2” output → all panned to the left → channel 9 → console master L
Mix 2 ---- Bus 2 → “1+2” output → all panned to the right → channel 10 → console master R

It means I can plug 2 different phone amps in master L and R ang get 2 different mixes?

This will just get you the left channel of Mix 1 and the right channel of Mix 2. Panning does not collapse a stereo mix to mono, it just reduces the level of the opposite channel until it's gone. If you're really wanting two mono mixes, you'll also have to set the Interleave button on the two MIX buses to mono. Obviously, it's not possible to preserve the stereo image when the output is a mono channel, but the information in both channels of each mix will be preserved by switching the buses to mono.

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