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Why does Cakewalk not export whats been recorded?



I have tracks recorded, 5 of them. Pressing play inside of Cakewalk plays them all and theres my song.

When I export, only 1 track is playing (exporting can't be the issue, it looks fine to me).
Bouncing all the tracks to clip sometimes helps, but then that breaks things like Midi Drums Step Sequenced. 

Why does this DAW never do what its told.

Edited by ijustwanttomakemusicPLEASE
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9 hours ago, ijustwanttomakemusicPLEASE said:

I have tracks recorded, 5 of them. Pressing play inside of Cakewalk plays them all and theres my song.

When I export, only 1 track is playing (exporting can't be the issue, it looks fine to me).
Bouncing all the tracks to clip sometimes helps, but then that breaks things like Midi Drums Step Sequenced. 

Why does this DAW never do what its told.

I think it's doing exactly what you tell it to do.

Are ALL the tracks highlighted?

Try 'Bounce to Tracks' ALL the highlighted tracks to 1 stereo track in the same project and export that single stereo track. Make sure that only that 1 stereo track is selected.

Can you post a screenshot of your Track View as it looks when you export it, and your Export settings?

I have never had this problem without it being my fault for not ensuring everything I want in the song is selected. Experience will help you see when something is amiss.

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