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Strange thing on getting Sonar to open


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Hi great people.  So for some reason Sonar would not open today. I tried many different things.  Finally, I was able to select "no tracks or busses" and it started working with no problem. 

But everytime I open Sonar now I have to do that.  Otherwise it just remains stuck without fully opening.  I also  removed Sonar as a program and resinstalled it,  but the same thing happend.

Any thoughts?  This is sort of a nuisance.  Thank you!

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Which audio interface do you have ? You say Sonar will not open, but you were able to select "no tracks or busses", so it must be kind of opening.

It sounds like Sonar is getting stuck trying to rectify the audio set up. This is only my guess, because I had a similar issue recently . . . and you'll certainly have to give the great people here more info on your environment settings to get to the bottom of it.

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1 minute ago, noynekker said:

Which audio interface do you have ? You say Sonar will not open, but you were able to select "no tracks or busses", so it must be kind of opening.

It sounds like Sonar is getting stuck trying to rectify the audio set up. This is only my guess, because I had a similar issue recently . . . and you'll certainly have to give the great people here more info on your environment settings to get to the bottom of it.

Thank you.  I am using a Lynx  Aurora  audio driver that is thunderbolt.  I have been using it for several years and no problem with cakewalk/bandlab or with Sonar.  I turned on the computer today, and the problem arose today, with no other changes!  If I try to open a project directly, it will not work.  It hangs before the opening screen where one can select drum replacer, etc..   If I try to open a new project with 4 empty tracks for example, it will not work.  So, I was lucky to find out that if I open it with "no tracks or busses" the rest of the opening process occurs and everything works fine.   I am wondering if there is a windows 11 audio driver that is somehow interfering with it.  I will check that out next.  (I.e., do I have windows selecting some other audio device?)  Is there more information I can provide?   Thank you so much!

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7 hours ago, AB9 said:

Есть мысли?

Try opening any project with the "Shift" key pressed, this is a kind of "safe way" to launch Sonar/Cakewalk. In this mode, when you launch a project, you will see a window with a choice of launching plugins and other elements, first try not to load any plugins, if Sonar/Cakewalk starts normally, then it is quite possible that the error will be corrected. Or try deleting the "AUD.INI" file in the folder:
"C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" , Sonar/Cakewalk will recreate this file when launched, and maybe this method will help to fix the error when launched.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you IgoRr.

The Shift did not work.  But the deleting the aud.ini worked!!!

Problem solved thanks to you!

Edited by AB9
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