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Komplete Kontrol Stuck Scanning Plugins - Any Workaround?


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Since my keyboard (M-Audio Oxygen 49) is now supported by KK, I decided to see what it had to offer.

Only to find that it gets stuck at the first hurdle, scanning my plugins.

It's not the same plugin every time, so it seems like more of a bug than an issue with my plugins, which are scanned okay by numerous other DAWs/Hosts without any issues. 

So I wondered if anyone else had similar problems and found a solution or workaround?

I mean this is not new software, right? So why the hell doesn't it have a "skip" button to skip any plugins it has issues with? 

Thanks in advance.

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37 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

@ZincT do you have the Sandbox feature enabled in Preferences > VST > Scan ?

This can help get around the sticking issues by pushing tricky plugins into a sort of private scan to allow the others to continue. 

Thanks @Wookiee, I am using the sandbox in Cakewalk.

However, I should have said that I was trying KK standalone, but your post made me realise that it can be used as a plugin!

So, I just tried loading it into Cakewalk and it opens which at least gives me access to the KK preferences and the ability to do a manual scan.

If I do nothing but open it in Cakewalk, it still seems to be scanning as the preset count is increasing, but if I try to load a preset I get...


I'm going to try simplifying the scan locations in the KK plugin preferences, then do a manual scan and see if that clears things up.  

Edited by ZincT
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