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SOOOOOoooooo many issues

Matthaeus Ebonah

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1 hour ago, David Baay said:

You'll be back after you run into the first 20 things that DAW can't do

I think that a person will not return, if in 20 years he could not understand the functionality of the program to a sufficient degree, and could not figure out just the settings in one export window. It means that he never really liked Sonar/Cakewalk, and now he just found a reason to switch to another program. I am always happy for people who find something they like - a program in which they work comfortably and quickly, some plugins, tools, etc., but I do not understand why people give other reasons when they simply do not like something. And here the subscription system also had an effect, so let's wish the person happiness and joy in the new DAW! And the Cakewalk brand will not suffer from this.

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