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Harrison 32Classic Channel Strip €24.99


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The 32Classic Channel Strip Plug-in by Harrison Audio is a fully featured channel strip complete with four-band parametric EQ, High Pass and Low Pass filters, transformer saturation with ‘Drive’ control, Compressor and Gate/Expander – everything you need to make music with the classic Harrison sound.


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8 hours ago, Esteban Villanova said:

is it any good? I remember people not liking a previous eq of them.

The thing I like best about it is the drive knob - it's a very usable overdriven preamp sound compared to most in-the-box distortion, and I really like not having endless things to tweak (like the Vertigo/Culture Vulture/Black Box type of saturation plugins).

I'm honestly overloaded with channel strips, despite the fact that I never end up using them. If you don't have any, it's worth having. Truthfully, I'd probably buy it just for the drive - I just wish you could have that in a separate one-knob plugin!

My one caveat is that it's not the most stable plugin I've used. I sometimes get crashes with it. Perhaps it's just my system.

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