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Headphones Recommendations - SONY

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  Hello.  I wrote a while back about headphone recommendations for my occasional road trip recording sessions.  I've got a kids and noise everywhere so I need something that isolates that problem somewhat.  I brought my SONY MDR-7510 's on the last couple of trips and that was a huge improvement over the Koss Porta  Pro's I had been using.  But the Koss headphones are great for what they accomplsh with their low weight and nice bass presence.  

  These Sony headphones are getting a bit frayed (as is their owner) on the foam and someone on that thread had suggested buying MDR-XD200 Pro replacements I believe.   I live in Thailand and don't trust anything I get here because it's porbably a Chinese knock-off so I'll probably order whatever I get from the States.  I like Sony headphones in general and would like to hear any suggestions as to what might be a good replacements for my older headphones.  I would prefer they not be too heavy (road trip) and a priced around $100.  I'd go as high as $150 if they were a much better option.  I don't buy headphones very often.  Thailand charges crazy import taxes and fees on electronics so I can pretty much add 50% to whatever is the quoted price.



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24 minutes ago, Sven said:

and would like to hear any suggestions as to what might be a good replacements for my older headphones

A great alternative to your old headphones, in the price range you indicated, would be the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones, these are excellent studio closed monitor headphones, they fold quite compactly due to the hinged design, and have 3 different cables of different lengths in the set, which can be detached. They cost about $ 150.

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Not compact, but I just replaced my ancient Beyerdynamic DT-770  Pro with a B-stock pair direct from Beyerdynamic for $125 (normally $170). There is no evidence I can see of their being B-stock. The old ones were 600-ohm and the new ones are 250 and have redesigned drivers but sound pretty much identical. They also make lower-impedance versions if you need that. They isolate well with thick, plush muffs that are super-comfotable. Best sound for the money, I think, and I can vouch for their durability; my old ones must be 10+ years old and were still sounding great despite numerous drops over the years; they were just getting ratty.

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I got a set of MDR-7506's (I believe that's the model you meant?) from a free box at a yard sale a year and change ago. The earpads were pretty much shot, which is probably why they were in the free box.

Upon first listen, I was very disappointed in these "legendary" cans. Shrill and no bass.

But I went ahead and ordered replacement pads, and whoa, I understood what the fuss was about.

These are the pads I bought:


The gel feels great and the fabric has shown no signs of deterioration, which is the weak point of Sony headphones.

So I'd suggest trying a pair of these pads rather than buying a new set of cans. I think my pads just weren't sealing well enough.

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12 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

I got a set of MDR-7506's (I believe that's the model you meant?) from a free box at a yard sale a year and change ago. The earpads were pretty much shot, which is probably why they were in the free box.

Upon first listen, I was very disappointed in these "legendary" cans. Shrill and no bass.

But I went ahead and ordered replacement pads, and whoa, I understood what the fuss was about.

These are the pads I bought:


The gel feels great and the fabric has shown no signs of deterioration, which is the weak point of Sony headphones.

So I'd suggest trying a pair of these pads rather than buying a new set of cans. I think my pads just weren't sealing well enough.

now that's a bargain 😎

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