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Drum Grid Colours - Can they be changed?

Dusk Dave


Hi All,

Having successfully got the drum map and drum grid working, now the kit piece names are written in white on a mid-grey background which is not as easy to read as the rest of the views.

I've looked in preferences-colours and tried to find where this might be changed but there's no reference to it. Even if I change the theme, this bit is still white on grey.

Can this colour combo be changed anywhere or am I stuck with it?

Thanks :)

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On 2/28/2025 at 4:20 AM, Dusk Dave said:

Can this colour combo be changed anywhere or am I stuck with it?

Unfortunately there is no way to change those colors at present.

I suggest that you make a feature request in the Feedback forum. That way, I and others who would like to either be able to change the colors, or at least have fixed colors that are more legible can comment and let the developers know that this feature is important to us.

BTW, congratulations on getting a drum map and drum grid working. I know that it's not an easy thing to do the first time. I find it worth it, as I like programming beats on the drum grid, with the kit piece names and M/S buttons.

There are also some cool tricks you can do with the "mapping" part of a drum map. I have a map that lets me program beats using a single map that can drive a dozen different synth instances. I did this in order to be able to use single hits from synths that don't have full kits. If I didn't use a drum map, I'd have to program each synth on a separate MIDI track, which would be a clumsy process.

Also, if I decide that I want to switch to a synth that does have a full kit, all I have to do is change maps rather than having to merge data from multiple tracks into a single track.

I'm a fan of programming using the drum grid and the mapping feature, but I think that the process of setting it all up, especially until the user is familiar with it, is needlessly obscure, to the point where few users bother with it.

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