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JHudStudio Vocal King and VK-2knob are now free!

Larry Shelby

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18 minutes ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

Downloaded the vk and vk-2. Also downloaded the unlock key. I can't figure out how to unlock the plugins! They're still in demo mode. HELP!!!!!!

Demo click here, then a window pops up, choose right option, load the license file, voila.

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Just now, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

Tried that!! I click on the load button and the Notepad file does not show. I tried dragging to the plugin, no go. I tried cutting and pasting, no luck!! Any help would be appreciated.

I take it that the license was downloaded as a notepad file. Any chance it should be another format?


Right click download license file and select save as.

It isn't a notepad file, but your browser might have treated it as such if you just opened it (i.e. left clicked on the download)


It should show up as a License File

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