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Using Sonar with Bandlab membership has to be stopped

Adu Khay

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Many people want to use Sonar, even their first time but, because the membership requirements, they skip and they choose another DAW that do not requires any membership or payment. there are a lot of free DAWs out there so they do away with Sonar. always. please let me know what you think about my idea!!

Thank you!!!

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1 hour ago, Adu Khay said:

there are a lot of free DAWs out there

This is not exactly true. I did a little digging and only Waveform and Pro Tools First are free. The rest barley qualify as usable Daw's. They are sort of like 1995. 

1 hour ago, Will. said:

Sonar as a DAW is over 30 years old and has always been a paid product.

This is also not exactly true, Cakewalk by Bandlab was just a temporary new name for Sonar, And It is free. It is still the best free Daw.  Waveform is also a very good Daw. 

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14 minutes ago, Bass Guitar said:

This is also not exactly true, Cakewalk by Bandlab was just a temporary new name for Sonar, And It is free. It is still the best free Daw.  

What are you talking about? It was never free before bandlab - therefore, it has always been a paid DAW. Also: he is posting this in the "Sonar" thread which he clearly mentioned - not CbB. 

Edited by Will.
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4 hours ago, Adu Khay said:

there are a lot of free DAWs out there so they do away with Sonar

Try writing something similar about using Cubase or Logic Pro X for free, it would be interesting to hear their response. Why does everyone want to have the best of everything, but necessarily and only for free? Why is automobile fuel not free, bread, sugar, even quality water from the tap?  And who's stopping you from using all those free DAW you're so optimistic about?

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13 hours ago, Adu Khay said:

Many people want to use Sonar, even their first time but, because the membership requirements, they skip and they choose another DAW that do not requires any membership or payment. there are a lot of free DAWs out there so they do away with Sonar. always. please let me know what you think about my idea!!

Your "idea" is that there are people who want to use Sonar but they don't because in order to use it they would have to pay for a BandLab membership?

Did you just now figure this out? If so, congratulations, it will help you to understand a lot of things, because it applies to most other commercial products and services.

You will find it to be true about anything that costs money to use. Many people will elect not to use it because they don't want to spend the money. They may not earn enough money themselves or there are other things they would prefer to spend their money on.

For instance, I would like to take an airline flight to France and stay for a month at a nice hotel, but I don't because it costs money, more than I wish to spend. I would like to have a brand new automobile but automobiles cost money and I already own one. I would like to eat in a nice restaurant every night, but instead I choose to prepare my own food and eat at home because meals cost much more at nice restaurants.

You probably have some things that you refrain from doing or owning because they cost money and you don't wish to spend money on them.

The people who make Sonar are in business to make money. They're not in a contest to see how many people they can get to use their DAW. They make money by selling memberships to BandLab, which include the right to use Sonar. BandLab memberships are more attractive to some people because they include the use of Sonar. There are even people who pay for a BandLab membership who use only Sonar and nothing else included with the membership.

If Sonar didn't cost money to use, certainly, more people would use it, but BandLab wouldn't make money from it. They would lose money, because they would still have to pay the people who develop and test Sonar and for the servers and bandwidth to host downloads.☹

The companies who make Waveform, Pro Tools First and Luna let people use them for free because they act as advertising and encouragement for people to buy other products that the companies sell. In this way, they make money indirectly. Cakewalk by BandLab provides name brand recognition for BandLab, but BandLab have decided that it doesn't provide enough to justify continuing to develop it as a free product. It now has a similar role to Waveform Free and Pro Tools First; it is a good demo for the features of Sonar (it got you interested in it🙂).

Hope this helps....

Edited by Starship Krupa
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