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Free (or not) sampler

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2 hours ago, onlyinitforthemoney said:

which free sampler did you use

that you found work well in any Sonar, and i mean any, version

Try this one: TX16Wx Software Sampler, it works perfectly in both Sonar and Cakewalk, it's free (for a limited time) and the tool itself is well implemented, organized, and very intuitive!

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3 hours ago, onlyinitforthemoney said:

they all seems to annoys me

The phrase sampler is unfortunately one category of utility VSTi that is still underserved.

There was one called Sitala for a while, but they turned it into payware.

At the moment, for my phrase sampling needs I use TX16Wx.

Also, it would be helpful to know which ones you've tried that annoy you.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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4 hours ago, onlyinitforthemoney said:

May be because i'm still using old Sonar6 in Studio-A i had issues with TX16Wx, will try it in free-Cakewalk

will try Sitala also,

now using Grace working almost well


Did SONAR 6 come with DropZone?

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What specifically do you need it to do?

For some existing free sample libraries (mostly from PianoBook.uk) , I've used DecentSampler.  I have yet to build any libraries in it, so don't know how easy that is yet. main page https://www.decentsamples.com/product/decent-sampler-plugin/  this is the page for making libraries https://www.decentsamples.com/decent-sampler-developer-resources/ 

A very old sampler (wasn't free) that can do a lot of stuff is Vsampler, but it is kind of a PITA to build or alter things in.  I wish the developer was around to do a GUI revamp on it, to make the processes easy instead of convoluted. https://www.kvraudio.com/news/speedsoft_vsampler_3_released_1318   

I mostly use SFZ+ for playback of existing soundfont and similar soundsets, sometimes just to trigger samples. 

 If I only need to trigger a specific single sample or set of them, I may use SessionDrummer3 just dragging and dropping them onto pads or loading htem up in hte menus.   No envelope editing, etc in this one, so what you hear is what you get. 

Rapture and Dimension are actually useable as "samplers", and have good control over the sounds.  I don't know if the various "special" versions of them have all the features but the "pro" (ro wahtever they call them) versions are what I use. 

Haven't used it in a while, but if you have a version of SONAR that includes it, Cyclone was usable. 

I have yet to check out Independence, but had it recommended to me a couple of times https://www.magix.com/us/music-editing/free-download/independence-free-sampler-software/  

There is one called Grace that I've seen references to, but not yet tried. https://www.onesmallclue.com/




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