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SysEx Midi dump from Edirol Sc VL 88 and MidiVerb 4

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Is there an app that works with Win 10 or 11 that , like a System Librarian for Mac? I remember I used to backup these HW devices with a mdidi dump right into Cakewalk but sure do not remember how, I do have the older Sonar Disks and CWPA 8 discs if that would help me? 
Brain fog been too long but I need to change the batteries and I am afraid  I will lose the info.
I use the midiVerb 4 for vocal FX when I do an occasional gig here and there-I like the old reverb sounds it has. The Edirol SC-88VL is for fun but sure would like to have a bakup of the data.
Thanks. I will buy something if need be. 

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  • Pathfinder changed the title to SysEx Midi dump from Edirol Sc VL 88 and MidiVerb 4

I remember doing with the older versions, I mean years and years ago. Thanks I will try-Appreciate it. I know it may sound crazy to some but I like this old gear. I have plenty of new gear of course, but., I even still have my Bos GX700, one of the first guitar modelers-All cooper finish, very cool. collecting dust in the closet but still!

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7 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

I remember doing with the older versions, I mean years and years ago. Thanks I will try-Appreciate it. I know it may sound crazy to some but I like this old gear. I have plenty of new gear of course, but., I even still have my Bos GX700, one of the first guitar modelers-All cooper finish, very cool. collecting dust in the closet but still!

Hey, I am with about the old gear thing.  I still, to this day, still a (circa 1999) Yamaha SW1000XG card in another PC (for current paying projects).  This has pretty much made me immune to the loss of TTS-1 fiasco Roland created.

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2 minutes ago, Promidi said:

Hey, I am with about the old gear thing.  I still, to this day, still a (circa 1999) Yamaha SW1000XG card in another PC (for current paying projects).  This has pretty much made me immune to the loss of TTS-1 fiasco Roland created.

Cool! I sometimes use the Sound Canvas for midi playback instead of the tts-1.  Have one those edirol UM 1's connected all the time to the SC 88 VL.

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2 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

, I even still have my Bos GX700, one of the first guitar modelers-All cooper finish, very cool. collecting dust in the closet but still!

I have a few bits of old gear, collected over the years, almost all well-used when I got it.... I wish I could find a cheap G10, the guitar part.  Mine was destroyed in a housefire a decade ago, but the rack unit just had it's knobs melted.  (I can't remember if the cable was done in or not, so I probably need that too).   (If I knew what the signals teh rack expected, I would have built something that could create those, and modulated it with various kinds of sensors, to use it for whatever kind of music creation i could manage...but I never have run across that information, or circuit diagrams, etc, for either the rack or the controller unit).    


I don't really require it as a midi guitar...I have a pickup I can stick on an acoustic, and can get etiher the electric bass or guitar or that into the the computer and use JamOrigin's MIDIGuitar / MIDIBass to do a fair job of that....but it *was* useful and interesting.   (and really cheap at a pawn shop's literal fire sale (holes in the roof, charred and wet stuff, etc), where they had each piece in a separate room for some reason, each sold as a bit of useless stuff because they didn't seem to know they went together, but I'd seen the whole system years before at Synthony Music for a few thousand dollars and wished I had one since that moment, even though I couldn't play guitar.... :lol: ).   

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Oh, almost forgot what I came to the thread to post:


It's been so many years since I backed up any of the hardware via sysex; i think I last did this with the TG33 but don't even remember any of the process. :oops:  

So, here's what I have in my bookmarks for sysex utils, at least those that still go to working websites:


I haven't ever tested this one


MIDI SysEx Transfer Utility 10rem.net - Pete Brown 4.6 406 ratings


I'm sure I've used this one



Dont't recall if I used this one






and VSThost can send midi sysex files, but I can't remmeber if ti can record them:





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