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Feature Suggestion: "Move clip in track"

Mauro Gaspa

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Is it possible to insert a function like this "move clip in track"?
Many times it happened to me that I have a midi or audio clip in a track in a very precise position and I had to move it by hand to another track maintaining the same exact position.
It would be interesting a command with the right mouse button on one or more clips to move or possibly duplicate the same clip on an existing track of my choice but maintaining the same position.
This option could be a good choice for those who want to move multiple clips saving a lot of time.



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Thanks for your suggestions.
They are nice solutions but they are not as immediate as a single click.
In one solution you still have to drag and in the other you have to give more commands.
I meant to suggest a solution for the clip like the one already existing when I want to move a track to a folder "Move to folder", with the difference that I move the clip to another track using a single click without changing its position.

Screenshot 2025-02-11 222520.png

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26 minutes ago, Mauro Gaspa said:

They are nice solutions but they are not as immediate as a single click.

Right-clicking, selecting Move or Copy and specifying a destination track is at least two clicks as well. This is potentially only marginally more efficient and not worth crowding the context menu with more options in my view.

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1 hour ago, Mauro Gaspa said:

 with the difference that I move the clip to another track using a single click without changing its position.

Num Lock #2 to move the clip down to another track.

Num Lock #8 Move the clip up to another track. 

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This command is also not suitable because I have to press num block + 8 (up) or num block + 2 (down) several times on the keyboard to get to the track I want to move the clip to.
Let's imagine that my track is 20 positions lower or higher, I have to hold down num block and repeat the number 2 or 8 20 times depending on where I have to go. It is not very practical and moreover difficult to follow visually and easily mistaken.

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Then just create a new track underneath or duplicate the track with the events and move that track to where you want it to be. You can also copy/cut and paste| special cut/paste. I don't see anything wrong with using the num lock key, I'm using it every time when I speed record rap artists. 

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On 2/12/2025 at 8:01 AM, Mauro Gaspa said:

They are nice solutions but they are not as immediate as a single click.

I do not think you will get any easier than SHIFT drag vertically for a move or  CTRL +  SHIFT drag vertically for a copy.

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On 2/11/2025 at 3:32 PM, Mauro Gaspa said:

Sorry, but I don't think so. First of all, for tracks, this feature has been around for quite some time, it would be enough to implement it for clips on tracks too.

Move to Folder is two clicks and doesn't include specifying whether to move or copy since the latter is not possible. To move/copy clips you'd either need a third click or two diffent menu options for Move to Track and Copy to Track. Then at some point you're probably going to want to be able to choose wether to move/copy clips in multiple tracks to one track or to multiple tracks with the same relationship. This option and more are already covered by the Paste Special dialog.

I suppose the value of saving a click or two and not having to touch the keyboard with a no-frills context menu option might depend on how often you use it. My workflow would not benefit meaningfully.

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On 2/13/2025 at 3:07 PM, Promidi said:

I do not think you will get any easier than SHIFT drag vertically for a move or  CTRL +  SHIFT drag vertically for a copy.


I usually avoid "forum no votes" on feature requests, but the clip context menu is already HUGE.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/11/2025 at 12:27 PM, David Baay said:

use whateve shortcut you have bound to set Now=From (if you don't, bind one; it's indispensible)

I don't understand this. What is "set Now=From?"

I'm always up for a useful key bind, and I'm curious as to what this indispensable function or command is. I seem to have dispensed with it all of these years, so much so that I can't even figure out what it is from context.

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10 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

I don't understand this. What is "set Now=From?"

I'm always up for a useful key bind, and I'm curious as to what this indispensable function or command is. I seem to have dispensed with it all of these years, so much so that I can't even figure out what it is from context.

If you have set a selection marker in the timeline, the left edge of the marker is “From” and the right edge of the marker is “Thru”

I have mapped “;” to “set Now=From” and “ ' ” to “set Now=Thru” 

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22 minutes ago, Promidi said:

If you have set a selection marker in the timeline, the left edge of the marker is “From” and the right edge of the marker is “Thru”

I have mapped “;” to “set Now=From” and “ ' ” to “set Now=Thru” 

So "set Now=From" moves the Now Time to the beginning of the selection.

I guess the use for this is that you can move the Now Time without clicking in the timeline and losing your selection.

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10 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

So "set Now=From" moves the Now Time to the beginning of the selection.

I guess the use for this is that you can move the Now Time without clicking in the timeline and losing your selection.

You should be able to set Now in the timeline without losing a selection so long as you don't inadvertently drag. But the value of Now=From/Thru is simply the ability to quickly set the Now time to a MIDI event, transient, clip, or other selection that you've made in order to see the exact time, set a marker, paste something or Split at Now in another track, etc.

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If the current version is like my ancient one, be careful *where* you click in the ruler.  In mine you sset now time by clicking in the bottom half, but clicking in the top half selects *ALL* of the timeline.   :(   (clickng and dragging in that part selects just that part of the timeline.)


Since i can't control myu movements all that well most of the time, that causes me no end of problems. 

Edited by Amberwolf
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