Morten Saether Posted February 11 Share Posted February 11 New in build 2025.02 Update 1 addresses issues reported against the initial 2025.02 update: Resolved Memory leak in Piano Roll View Fix for case where some users were unable to see text in ProChannel menus Resolved Resource leak in Console View that would cause application slow downs after manipulating controls. Improved handling of issues with Control Surface configuration files Added failsafe handling for persistence of Control Surface configuration files New in Sonar 2025.02 build This release adds improvements to Bounce to Tracks, the ability to exclude markers and meter/keys from Arranger operations, includes subfolder count in top folder stats, an updated Light Gray color scheme, as well as usability enhancements and bug fixes for user reported issues. "Arranger Sections" is now a Source Category in Bounce to Track(s) "Arranger Sections" is now available as a Source Category in the Bounce to Track(s) dialog box. Only sections from the active Arranger track are listed, and the resulting clip names are derived from the section and the category source. Ability to exclude markers and meter/keys from Arranger operations In addition to individual tracks and the Tempo track, you can now also exclude markers and meter/key changes from Arranger operations. To prevent the tempo map, meter/key changes, or markers from being affected when editing Arranger sections, right-click or long press the Select Events with Sections button in the Control Bar’s Select module and select the desired options: Arranger Exclude Tempo Track. Prevent the tempo map from being affected when editing Arranger sections. Arranger Exclude Meter/Key Changes. Prevent meter/key changes from being affected when editing Arranger sections. Arranger Exclude Markers. Prevent markers from being affected when editing Arranger sections. Track Folder info panel shows subfolder count The track folder info panel shows how many tracks it contains. Because folders can contain multiple levels of subfolders, the total subfolder count is now shown if it is different from the immediate folder count: <immediate subfolders> / <total subfolders> "Allow Module Resizing" option in Console view/Inspector module Options menus You can now enable/disable module resizing in the Console view and inspector. When Allow Module Resizing is disabled, the drag handles are removed from the top of the Volume, Sends, and FX Rack modules. To disable module resizing in the Console view, click the Options menu and disable Allow Module Resizing. When disabled, the drag handles are removed from the top of he modules. To disable module resizing in the Track Inspector, click the Display control at the bottom of the Track Inspector, point to Module Options and disable Allow Module Resizing. Support for Smart Swipe behavior for tracks/busses in Export Audio dialog In the Export Audio dialog, you can now swipe (drag up/down) in the Tracks/Buses in Project list to quickly select/mute/solo multiple tracks/buses. Send Pan knobs are now shown in narrow strips Send Pan knobs are now shown in narrow Console view/inspector strips. Previously, only Send Level knobs were shown. Updated Light Gray color scheme The Light Gray color scheme has been completely redesigned. Misc. Updated localization Misc. color scheme refinements In FX Racks, newly inserted plugins are visible and scrolled into view Inspector/Console view track and bus strips now automatically scroll to newly inserted sends The max number of visible sends per track/bus has been increased from 10 to 100 Clamp sample rate to 44100-48000 when exporting to BandLab The Quick Start Screen now shows a CWZ icon when a project thumbnail is missing for CWZ files Fixed: Crash inserting Waves Curves Equator MONO Fixed: Crash restoring configuration Fixed: Opening project or OMF file containing track/bus names with formatting characters crashes Sonar Fixed: User crash when setting FX Chain preset from Console view Fixed: Console view Sends option say unlimited sends, but only display 10 Fixed: Cannot see Send Gain Level value within Console view Send clusters Fixed: Crash drawing Pitch Bend in Piano Roll view Fixed: Dragging Controller pane closed in Piano Roll view causes audio track to delete unexpectedly with Ripple Edit Fixed: Long track name display issue in Piano Roll view Tracks pane Fixed: Holding SHIFT prior to clicking notes in the Piano Roll view fails to select controllers when enabled Fixed: Shift Select using Select tool does not behave as expected in Piano Roll view Fixed: Unexpected resize of Controller pane in user project Fixed: MIDI side of Instrument track stuck muted in user project Fixed: Disconnecting an Instrument track causes track templates for other instruments to save incorrectly Fixed: Workspace is not applied after opening a MIDI file Fixed: Chorus/Reverb MIDI controls are created with an offset of +64 Fixed: Articulation "Full Chase" fails to chase CCs Fixed: Project shows time incorrectly in Play List Fixed: Staff view Track pane can fails to draw background correctly Fixed: Step Sequencer templates can become orphaned clips Fixed: PDC latency not reported correctly in Track Inspector Fixed: Surround panner draws incorrectly on Console view/Inspector track strip Fixed: Track Manager shows audio icon for nested folders Fixed: Clip automation preview is inaccurate to bounced audio Fixed: Undo of Copy and Assign Envelope fails to restore Edit Filter state Fixed: CPU Meter Options in Performance module only available if set to large size Fixed: CPU Meter Options menu has misaligned text on 4k Fixed: Unexpected meter/key change added to project after ripple editing Arranger sections Fixed: Incorrect handling of Meter/Key in Arranger move operation Fixed: Grouping On/Off for sends behaves unexpectedly Fixed: Quick Group Freeze Synth behaves inconsistently Fixed: Quick Grouping of Edit Filter is inconsistent with Instrument tracks Fixed: Group mute of Instrument tracks fails to dim Clips pane Fixed: Help Module "Learn More" button text is wrong color on mouse over in Light color scheme Fixed: Track View bus strip labels are the wrong color Fixed: Toast notification displays wrong border colors when signing in to activate Fixed: Fix for Track view Sends Look & Feel Fixed: ProChannel visual artifacts bug Fixed: Unexpected layout change on applying config profile Fixed: Autosave doesn't save after changing track mixer parameters Fixed: Splash screen appears on wrong monitor on high DPI multi-monitor systems Fixed: Right-click to lasso select doesn't change active item focus resulting in unexpected effects deletion Fixed: Snap to Landmarks inconsistent in user project Fixed: Preview in Media Browser plays at wrong speed after sample rate is changed in Preferences Fixed: Transport is unresponsive when zoomed in all the way in Track Fixed: Text in Big Time view looks pixelated opening on 1080p Fixed: Inspector advanced MIDI strip layout issues after vertically scrolling Fixed: [Regression] Regression: Console view no longer shows offset modified color indication Fixed: [Regression] Track Templates fail to preserve MIDI ports routed to plugins Fixed: [Regression] MIDI track on Split Instrument fails to show Frozen button state Fixed: [Regression] Tooltip for Console view/ProChannel Sends missing when making adjustments Fixed: [Regression] Preview at Host Tempo no longer working in Browser Fixed: [Regression] Browser GDI object leak when floating Fixed: [Regression] Text Edit Field Cursors are Center Justified Fixed: [Regression] Console View Maximum Sends value does not work Fixed: "Cannot Sign In" message not localized Fixed: Incorrect error displayed when importing an unsupported wave file Please give us feedback on this release. 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