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Sonar 2025.02 Feedback

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3 minutes ago, David Baay said:

That's just because the track isn't scaled properly in Sonar to show all the notes.

Doesnt show on my end. The other thing is - I've tried to offset notes myself then open in Sonar and it showed correctly. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

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3 hours ago, Promidi said:

Here is a shot video showing this issue.

What it doesn't show is that if you do a loopback recording of the MIDI, the re-recorded notes will actually be 10 ticks late in the 192PPQ timeline as expected. So bringing an old project into Sonar isn't really a problem unless you notice that the displayed offset has changed, and change it back to what is was on CbB. Then you'll actually get the wrong musical result.

Bottom line: There is an issue to be fixed here, but it's a display issue.

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3 hours ago, David Baay said:

What it doesn't show is that if you do a loopback recording of the MIDI, the re-recorded notes will actually be 10 ticks late in the 192PPQ timeline as expected. So bringing an old project into Sonar isn't really a problem unless you notice that the displayed offset has changed, and change it back to what is was on CbB. Then you'll actually get the wrong musical result.

Bottom line: There is an issue to be fixed here, but it's a display issue.

Yeah, I could have done the  loopback recording of the MIDI test.  However, as soon as I saw the +10 change to the +50 between CbB and Sonar, I stopped the video.

As long as it's just a display issue, and even then only if not using 960 PPQ (which I have not done since 2017), I am not going to lose sleep over this one.  It'll be fixed when it’s fixed.

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Good evening everyone!

Today I tried to create an "Articulation Map" for the "Audiobro - Modern Scoring Strings (1.1)" library, and Sonar behaved very strangely - all attempts to "Export" a file from the articulation manager ended in failure - the file was saved with only first created section. I tried adding sections gradually, and did "Export" again, but the file continued to weigh the same, and the added sections were not saved. As I added new sections, I overwrote the existing file, then tried to create a new one with a different name, but the result remained zero. I already thought that I was doing something wrong, but in Cakewalk Bandlab I did the same, and everything worked without the slightest error. Then I loaded the articulation file created in Cakewalk Bandlab into Sonar, and everything works fine, but I still couldn't create a normal file in Sonar itself.
Can someone check the Articulation Manager for themselves, is the same happening to you?
Thanks in advance!

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2 hours ago, IgoRr said:

Good evening everyone!

Today I tried to create an "Articulation Map" for the "Audiobro - Modern Scoring Strings (1.1)" library, and Sonar behaved very strangely - all attempts to "Export" a file from the articulation manager ended in failure - the file was saved with only first created section. I tried adding sections gradually, and did "Export" again, but the file continued to weigh the same, and the added sections were not saved. As I added new sections, I overwrote the existing file, then tried to create a new one with a different name, but the result remained zero. I already thought that I was doing something wrong, but in Cakewalk Bandlab I did the same, and everything worked without the slightest error. Then I loaded the articulation file created in Cakewalk Bandlab into Sonar, and everything works fine, but I still couldn't create a normal file in Sonar itself.
Can someone check the Articulation Manager for themselves, is the same happening to you?
Thanks in advance!

Just created an articulation map in the latest Sonar with multiple sections - no issues here.

Could you post the one you did in CbB ?  Perhaps there's something specific in the map that is causing the issue.

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36 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

Perhaps there's something specific in the map that is causing the issue.

There are no problems with the Articulation Map that I created in Cakewalk by Bandlab, it works both in CbB itself and in Sonar.
I will attach it here, try to check it yourself.

MSS Art-s'.artmap

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On 2/18/2025 at 5:13 AM, IgoRr said:

Good day!

Have you changed the "Interface Scaling" settings in Sonar? If so, set the slider to "100%", apply, and restart Sonar, everything should be fixed. If after this some modules still won't display, delete this module, then add it again, and save the project. Sonar is still very sensitive to scaling changes, I hope this will be finalized.


All these functions remained in the new version of Sonar, and work completely properly, here is a screenshot from the "Quick Start" window:

QuickStart window'.png

see the pin feature. What about song lists. Still not visible. Thanks.

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3 minutes ago, Marc Bleuwart said:

MultiDock tabs: graphic can be shifted and overlay the neighbour tab, see attached image.

can you replicate this not using tts-1 as example? as tts-1 is discontinued so won't get any attention


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37 minutes ago, Marc Bleuwart said:

Hello, small issue:
MultiDock tabs: graphic can be shifted and overlay the neighbour tab, see attached image.




This is related to the length of the track name on the Melodyne tab. We'll take a look. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, pwalpwal said:

can you replicate this not using tts-1 as example? as tts-1 is discontinued so won't get any attention


Sure, it's not caused by TTS-1, it happens with any tab in the MultiDock
see here: Current tab is "XP2 Gtr Mutes 5" and graphics overlay next Tabs "XP2 Plucks 6" and "XP2 RHodes 2"
It looks like the width of graphic elements is larger than the width of text elements.
Kind regards,


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I had a section I needed to slow down a bit, 4 tracks. I Time Stretched them, bounced them to clips and then could no longer hear them.  I also tried doing them each one at a time, the first track (drums) bounced down and I could still hear it. Did the second track (bass) then after bouncing no sound from either.

I opened the project in Bandlab and performed the same functions with no issues.

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Please note the release has been updated to build This build includes:

  • Fixed regression where MIDI Reverb and Chorus knobs do not work as expected
  • Fixed Crash with Articulation Maps
  • Fixed issue where Mackie Control XT surfaces were removed unexpectedly
  • Fixed Crash previewing loops in Browser
  • Resolved issue where controller handles draw unexpectedly after Now Time passes when the Controller Pane is collapsed in PRV
  • Thanks 2
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On 3/15/2025 at 6:54 AM, Wayne Severson said:

I had a section I needed to slow down a bit, 4 tracks. I Time Stretched them, bounced them to clips and then could no longer hear them.  I also tried doing them each one at a time, the first track (drums) bounced down and I could still hear it. Did the second track (bass) then after bouncing no sound from either.

I can't immediately repro that which means the Bakers will need to have a copy of your specific project to investigate.

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On 2/17/2025 at 10:44 PM, Wookiee said:

Don't understand, a mono clip will not be a loop clip.

A clip is either a loop clip or it is not. 

There are different type of loop clips, Acid, REX etc which have different properties.

You might benefit from reading the Sonar reference guide on loops. Page 727 details information on working with loops. Loop functionality in Cakewalk is quite an indepth and powerful tool.

page 727 dear god. 😂

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Please note the release has been updated to build This build includes:

  • Fixed regression where MIDI Reverb and Chorus knobs do not work as expected
  • Fixed Crash with Articulation Maps
  • Fixed issue where Mackie Control XT surfaces were removed unexpectedly
  • Fixed Crash previewing loops in Browser
  • Resolved issue where controller handles draw unexpectedly after Now Time passes when the Controller Pane is collapsed in PRV


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For the last few months Sonar crashes constantly...Same setup I've had for years with no problems whatsoever...all of a sudden I'm getting blue screens every time I work on something.  Started end of November and I was hoping for a fix but it just keeps happening.  I have updated all drivers and still same result.  Been using Cakewalk for about 30 years and have never seen anything like this.  Everything else on PC is fine only Sonar crashing.  Have to start a new project and am at a loss...anyone have any ideas?

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50 minutes ago, Beethovun said:

all of a sudden I'm getting blue screens every time I work on something.

Blue screens are generally caused by hardware/driver issues, not software. First thing I would do is run MemTest on your RAM. If it's a desktop, open it up, blow the dust out, make sure the CPU heatsink, RAM and other cards are firmly seated. If any hardware/drivers were changed (music-related or otherwise) around the time you first started having issues, consider reverting. A failing/sagging power supply can also cause blue screens, but is harder to diagnose and usually shows up as a boot failures first.

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